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OK, this is for use in the Comixology V2 theme. Will only work correctly in here as all the required JS and CSS with not be present.

I have redone my folder.html to match the Comixology V2 theme. Can be found at the same place as the other files. ( _Arcs & The actual .html and .css as in the DC 001 Zatanas Search. You will need to copy these to the other folders. As usual you will need to generate your own json.cbr files based on your environment. I have included the banners for DC Marvel as well. In the archive is the complete arcs listing going by with folder.jpg for all of them as well.

Cool. Glad to be of help. Yea, I found that using json and mustache to get the data into Ubooquity made sense.

If you need any other fields added to the metadata, let me know. Easy to add.

You can at the moment just add to the json manually , and I can add to the creator if needed.

I am currently working on a book version, that looks like, this I am hoping will be on-the-fly page creation. A lot of jquery to work out.

Forgot to mention that there is drag and drop of the filename into the top edit.

To drag and drop just drag the image and it will populate with the string. Copy paste still there.

You should get a string similar to below if done right.

The image to drag is the one presented when you click on a comic.

Next version will have the ability to edit an existing json file.

I am always open to suggestions for anything.

Currently going through my theme and identifying css changes to add to the comic-arc.css and folder.css to override the current theme it is loaded into.

I have uploaded a new version of the arc creator. Now has two tabs. One for issues  and one for metadata (arc name, description, etc).UCC_2.0,exe

When saved it creates a json file that has both issues and metadata. But if no metadata specified then the entries are blank. As they are in a different json record the file is %100 compatible with my last offering. Still working on uploading fully v2 files. They do not play nicely with other themes, but I just need to override the CSS in these themes.

Fixed also are some annoying bugs in this version.!AszUwF4_399MgVHtXBJnxH2hOqgr

I have just been looking at this, and will shortly have a fixed version. Was a couple of errors.

Also I have been working on a 'template' version that will possibly be able to be used in the new Ubooquity version with HTML templates when it arrives. The folder.html file contains no unique stuff pertaining to the content.

Everything is served up by json. As this is a test server, the things below are just 'junk' placeholders for testing.

I have got the arcs, orders, etc from

I will make available when ready. Also I have got folder images for all the arcs here, and will also make these available if anyone wants them. The new json crator also includes the ability to put arcname, description, year and players which is what my new template requires.

I will also put a new version of the original one up for peeps who do not want this level of detail.

Try a program called AlwaysOn. This allows you to run any program as a service with auto start.

Uploaded UCC 0.8.exe

Fixed error in long file names and added an order box.

Use this to reorder lines. Place cursor on required line and enter line number destination in order box. press > and it will swap these two lines.

Added as got sore hand moving round the Crisis On Infinite Earths arc. 

Thanks, I was wondering if it was worth it. Fills the gap when Comixology theme broke inV2 due to no empty folders showing.