Your comments
i want to use it and its frankly needed in the UI as any other way would be to KNOW or lookup the arcs outside of the UI. or make custom folders for it.
i guess i could technically hardlink the files into another folder for the arcs technically.
but i think an semi-automatic way of doing would make more sense.
sadly CR story arc lists and smart lists is not amazing either.
since the pubtheme github havent seen much love in ages and has a ton of messy html.
i made a fork and corrected it across the board to use `../` paths instead of direct paths like `/comics/`
also cleaned up the messy imprint stuff as on all of them as they where a mess to look at.
ofc, also added the skin by KanadaKid and powered by ubooquity across the board.
will keep working on this and push out more publishers and imprints that i either have and isnt there or is on sites like comixology.
most of those older paths in the html broke much of the theme, like coloring, headers and other neat stuff.
on a side note, need more docs on how the story arc stuff works in general as its not totally obvious.
With the additional info on the read-states, i would love an option for a filtered view of the whole collection. Removing the read issues if set to unread for example.
This will make it easier to handle large collections at a glance and allows the user more easily read down their whole collection issue by issue.
Having a filter to also show only read issues can also have uses. so an unfiltered view like we have now that shows everything as is. And two filters, with with unread only and one with read only.
This should be a rule globally like the sort and view options we already have for each page.
The only real thing missing would be better reading and generation of Story-Arc pages and Publisher/Imprint linking like how the
an api would open stuff up Aton tho. I bet we can get some of the devs of the Readers out there to add support for it. I'm sure atleast the chunkycomicreader dev would support it. That's one os. Would need to be able to request and load all metadata. Heck a comic rack plugin could be made aswell if needed.
Just think an api is the way to go in the long run.
Wouldn't it be great to have apps like chunky load all the comics in they own ui? It would be a lot less limiting in general.
could you add some more notes on how to use the pagebuilder zip files? running on windows BTW, tried for a while with the bash for ubuntu for windows app but im new to these things. would love for some feedback on how to best run it and how the settings are suppose to be set.
it would also be nice if you could cover how the pagebuilder folders should be placed, like should it be in the theme folder? in the comics folder? does it even matter in the end?
also, i added the story arc folder to my comics folder with the premade ones you gave out. i replaced all files i could from the extras zip but i cannot seem to load the story arcs folder at all either. (it just sends me back to the publishers folder)
would love for an update on this.
and maybe we all should vote over on the League of Comic Geeks site aswell (its kinda like trakt for comics in a way) we need more votes on the api and get their dev to step it up ;)
combination with their site, api and ubooquity you can stay in sync no matter where you are :D
even without something like that, doing it all locally on the server is a nice step to the right way :)
having a way for apps like Chunky to read the read states would be amazing aswell.
the Chunky dev has always be great and supportive before so im sure he will get too it if you make such a system.
Customer support service by UserEcho
I know we can do `[[FOLDER]]/folder.jpg` to point to the image in the folder of the publisher or series.
Now, how do I load an image from the publisher folder inside the series folder.
Im talking ofc about the series .html files and it having the publisher logo with the URL.
So it would always go up one level and get the folder.jpg from there. But the example file talked about for example here doesn't show it either.
The series examples we have, use the theme/publisher/image.jpg path instead of doing it directly in the folder.
`<a src="../../theme/publishers/Image.jpg">`
But instead I would want to load something like:
`<a src="../[[FOLDER]]/folder.jpg">`
Or something similar, do any of you know how to fix this without needing to have dupe files on different locations, one publisher image should be enough IMO.
This would make it easier to update on a larger scale, allow for a single script to make the series html files as it doesn't need to point anywhere direct. and those not familiar with the code can just change the publisher file to change it across the site.
I guess the fallback i could take would be to have a pub/publisher.jpg file in each series too.... not what i want.
I guess the theme direct link is better at that point... sigh.