Your comments
They updated their docker image to include java 17 already, so if you put the jar file on your docker host you can bind mount it to "/app/ubooquity/Ubooquity.jar" and it will launch v3, :)
The cert must match the server (domain) it was requested by.
So, a little more information about your setup, is it your main computer?, is it a secondary pc?, is it on 24/7?,is it virtual or physical?
Well, i havent done it on a Mac, but both in linux and windows and thats how i currently run my windows setup.
But accordingly to this:
"mount -t smbfs //name@server /MountDestination" then just map the folder in the admin GUI.
Still interested?
I cant see why you want a SSL cert unless you plan to access it from outside and from a domain?
Or do you want just a local SSL cert?
(depending on your answer there is different solutions)
Had some issues with what seem to be rar5 (cbr files) , so if you install 7 zip and add it to your PATH in windows (or hardlink to 7z.exe) the following will convert them from a CMD window:
for %f in ("*.cbr") do ( 7z e "%~nf.cbr" -otempdir && 7z a -tzip "%~nf.cbz" .\tempdir\* -sdel && rmdir /S /Q tempdir && del "%~nf.cbr" )
i leave no warranty, ;)
I made a smal script a while ago that i use that querys the internal API for read progress and "mark as done" , check it out here:
I also helped a few themes include the script in thier theme, so there are a few that use it.
Sorry for the delay, i can't seem to edit my post, but here is a new upload:
Hi again,
I did a super fast and small setup on my main PC and you need to disable the "Store bookmarks in cookie instead of server" option under advanced for it to work.
Hmmm... , it sounds like you are doing it correct.
And your new theme folder looks like the image above for "readprogress_1"?, and you made it from the admin panel and its the active theme?
In you second post your image from your comics seems to be in a top folder (because all the comics have a red box with a number), if you go into the "Adler" comics folder and read a few and then stay in the Adler folder do you see the progress?
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hi Tom,
Ye, doesn't help that the notification mail ends up in the spam folder, ;)
Well, there are quite a few ways of doing it, so here are two:
Install nginx from here:
You already have the certs so something similar to this in the nginx config:
Change the paths for the ssl to yours, example from here:
And set your IP in the proxy_pass.
Set up a no-ip or other DDNS.
Install docker (with WSL support: )
Search for SWAG in the searchbar:
Press run on "linuxserver/swag" and edit accordingly
All config will reside in the shoosen "Volumes" folder.
Edit "D:\SWAG\nginx\site-confs\default.conf" as needed, only need to edit the proxy_pass from above.
( Pick a better path than D:\SWAG, just an example, ;) )
After each update to any config, restart SWAG "container"
This will update your SSL certs automatically and add some protection like fail2ban
More info here:
I haven't tried the docker way on my windows machine but it should work, it should be the equalent of how i run it on my linux machine.