Your comments

Ubooquity provides a standard OPDS feed. See the specs here:

In this feed, it provides an additional link to allow the client to read pages directly.

The specs of this extensions are here:

I guess I'm going to need an explanation with a few examples, I'm not sure I understand what you mean.



(careful, the "." is before the "*")

Yep, I know this issue, but I put it aside for more urgent bugs/feature.

If someone wants to take a look at the code (the JS can be seen in your browser) and give me the fix...

Indeed. There is no way around that unfortunately.

By "library scan file", you mean the database file ?

According to your logs, there is clearly an issue when the database tries to write its file.

Are you running on a 64 bits JVM ? If not, could you try and let me know if this fixes the issue ?

Well, Ubooquity already reads the OPF inside the epub files. ;)

I don't like the idea of an external metadata file, as there are already good metadata mechanism for a lot of common formats (perhaps with the exception of PDF files).

Why not use something like Calibre to edit the metadata of your epub files ?

As for the mobi, the real issue is that this is a closed, undocumented format.

@Tom : Did you implement in your DB (or the scan engine) the UTF8 or just ISO-8859-x codepage ?

Java is completely Unicode "compliant". As is the H2 database used in UBooquity. I even did a few tests with Japanese and Korean titles.

The problem comes from the underlying OS. If your environment is not configured to run processes with more than just the ASCII charset (as it happens on some NAS), you'll have issues.

There is no single workaround (different users reported different results with different system settings), but you can take a look at this thread:

Also, these ones might contain interesting info as well:

I have plans to implement a way to "plug" external PDF renderers that work better than the PDF library I am currently using. That should solve your problems. (probably in a year or two though)