Your comments

Did you activate user management (acess using a login and a pasword) ?
Because if you did, you have to explicitely authorize each user for each folder you share.

If not, I have no idea what's happening.
There is nothing in Ubooquity's design that prevents the use of FQDN.
I created a account to test it today, and it worked (I pointed something like to my IP address and accessed it using

I don't know why it is not working on your side.
You can see how many comics were found by Ubooquity on its administration screen.
If you have a "Total comics" over 0, then you should see them.

When you say "blank screen", you mean completely blank ? Or do you see the Ubooquity interface, but without any comics ?
I found the bug ! Ubooquity does indeed send two "Content-Length" headers. Which are always identical, except for files bigger than 2 GB. That's when some browsers (rightfully) complain.

Unfortunately the bug is not that easy to fix (lots of potential side effects). So I'll put in on my todo list but don't expect it to be fixed soon.