
V2 no option for server locations

david phair 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2


I installed the new 2.10 version to find there is no option to add my own folder location expect for a mapped drive.

Is there going to be any changes to this in the future, as I store all my comics on my nas I would prefer not to map a drive.

Under review

headless not working

Julien Dzk 8 years ago updated by Tom 7 years ago 1

Hi, i made a fresh install of a ubuntuu 16 server.

I install ubooquity 2.02 but when i add a path for scanning i got this :

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment

On the previous server i haven't got any problems

here my command line

java -jar Ubooquity.jar --headless


Recorver admin password

tony 8 years ago updated by Tom 7 years ago 1


I lost my admin password for webadmin.

There is a way to recovert it ?

BEst Regards,


OPDS feed question: # of comics per folder

Cesar Sanchez 8 years ago updated by Tom 7 years ago 3

Hi - Is the number of comics per folder present in the OPDS feed? I'm asking this because for example it could be very useful to have an icon in Seth's app showing this information on each folder.



HTTP ERROR 500 admin page in 2.0.2

Skylar Ragan 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

When I try to access the admin page, I get: 


Problem accessing /admin. Reason:


Could not find matching provider (wrong URL)

I setup a new install of 2.0.2 on a headless Ubuntu 17.x VM in Google Cloud. On that server I'm using nginx to access pages remotely.

Here are the relevant entries in nginx:

# Ubooquity
 location /ubooquity {
auth_basic off;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forward-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
# Ubooquity Admin
 location /admin {
auth_basic off;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forward-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

I'm using the following command to start Ubooquity:

 sudo java -jar /opt/ubooquity/Ubooquity.jar -remoteadmin -headless

So if I go to https://my.domain/ubooquity I get the "You aren't authorized" whatever whatever stuff, which makes sense because I haven't created any users yet. So the library port seems to be working fine. However, when I go to https://my.domain/admin I get the error described at the top of the page. What am I doing wrong?


Custom metadata supports

Mr. SimPle (asd) 8 years ago updated by eduo 7 years ago 15

I want to make my own metadata for cbz files and display on the webpage.

I tried ComicTagger but it doesn't have custom tags that I want and Ubooquity doesn't display those metadata so instead using this, I want to make txt file in it and display them on Ubooquity.

txt file format:

Name: 'comic_name';

Author: 'author_name';

Publisher: 'publisher_name';

Volume: 65;

Characters: 'character1' , 'character2';  


What is themeScript.js?

Mr. SimPle (asd) 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

On Ubooquity 2.0.2 beta, there is a improvement says that custom script is supported for theme.

What does that do? Where do I get that file? or if I need to make it, how do I make it?


Feature Request: Boolean Search

Darren 8 years ago updated by Tom 7 years ago 1

Is including boolean operators in the search function doable without venturing into an Advanced Search rewrite?


Marvin 3 supports comics via Ubooquity OPDS

Telecart 8 years ago 0

This might be old news but I Just figured I'd let folks know, I've been playing around with Marvin 3 for iOS and it now supports comics as well as ePUB books and has robust OPDS support and cloud sync the page location between instances of Marvin 3. It's a nice app if you're looking for one app to handle both books and comics associated with an Ubooquity server. No streaming, only downloading though.

Under review

specify log level on start

Toonman 8 years ago updated by Tom 7 years ago 3


Wondering if it is possible (without recompiling the JAR) to specify the log level at startup, i.e., with a command line option ? 

We have -workdir and -headless, etc, wouldnt mind a -loglevel 

(unless it already exists?)

Use case for containers is I only really want to output errors, info level does not really interest me.