Your comments

Stephen's right.
In addition to that, did you enable the opds feed in the advanced settings of Ubooquity ?
Problem reproduced on iPad. Seems like Safari doesn't like accents in its cookies.
Not very hard to fix, so it'll be done in the next version.
I changed my mind and included both libraries (JAI and Bouncy Castle) in Ubooquity. :)

I have an ipad, I'll try to reproduce the problem on my side. Thanks for the details.
Hi Matthieu,

Seems like a character encoding problem.

Ubooquity uses UTF-8 everywhere (except on the logs page, see below), so it supports kind of characters, including accents, kanjis, etc. I have not been able to reproduce the problem. On my side (Windows 7 + Firefox) everything works fine with accents in the user name.

The only explanation I can think of for now is if the browser does not respect the declared encoding (either when creating the user or when writing the session cookie) or if the configuration file has been edited with an external tool.

Could you let me know which browser you use, and on which operating system ?
Also if you have a text editor which lets you choose the display encoding, could you open the settings file ("preferences.xml") and check that you correctly see the accent when UTF-8 is selected ?

As for the logs, the "Eléonore" you see is the result of an UTF-8 file displayed whith the IEC 8859-1 encoding (probably the default of your browser). That because the logs page does not specify its encoding in the HTML head section of the page.
It's a bug, but which only affects display, not a symptom which could explain your problem (the log file itself, opened whith an editor in UTF-8 mode will display the correct "é" character).