Your comments

I downloaded your example and was able to reproduce the problem.

It seems to be a color space issue in the PNG files of your comic (the first page is a JPEG that does not have any issue) that happen when I try to create the JPEG file that is sent to your browser.

I tried a few things to fix the issue, without success, unfortunately.

I'm out of ideas, so I'll have to leave it at that. Sorry.

Someday, Ubooquity themes will also contain HTML templates with variables (using Mustache) so that the structure of the page itself can be customized.


If you are talking about the Synology tutorial, it was not written by me (I don't have any NAS), so I wouldn't know what to update.

The good news is I moved the documentation to Github a while ago, so anybody can submit pull requests to update the tutorials. ;)

Of course, that's a bug introduced in 2.x.

The problem is that the Java version you are using does not contain the UI framework used by Ubooquity.

To fix that, either:

  • use the official Oracle JRE (or JDK) instead of OpenJDK
  • try using the "--headless" command line option that will disable the desktop UI, allowing Ubooquity to run without these libraries (no guarantee of success though).

In any case I recommend using the Oracle version of Java.

Advanced search has been on my todo list for as far as I can remember (boolean operators would be part of this feature, they're not completely trivial to add). But for now I still have a lot of items I consider of higher priority.

So not in a near future I'm afraid...

To be honest I don't remember having tested a custom workdir with a custom log configuration.

My advice is to always use an absolute path for the custom log config file.

Now perhaps that's an issue when using a container...

Elouan's right, the font issue impacts only the epub online reader. Your issue is something different.

Unfortunately I can't help much (I don't have a NAS).

As I wrote earlier, the database file is entirely managed by the database library used by Ubooquity (H2, which is a very widely used, very robust library).

Now, between Ubooquity 1.10.1 and 2.0.0, I updated the H2 version from 1.4.187 to 1.4.193.

This should not have caused any issue, but funny side effects that happen only on specific setups are always possible.

So I built two special versions of Ubooquity 2.1.0:

So if you're still interested in using Ubooquity 2.x, you can try these versions in case they work better for you.

Of course, I would be interested in knowing the result of your tests. I don't know if it could be enough to pinpoint the cause of your issue, but you never know...