Your comments

This message, "Sorry, you are not authorized to access any file on this server", is what Ubooquity displays when it has nothing to show, meaning when no folder has been shared yet, or when the user you are logged in with doesn't have rights on any of the shared folder.

In other word, when you donwload and run Ubooquity with further configuration, you get this message.

I guess I should reword it to be more explicit.

So the fix for your problem is simply to configure Ubooquity again (The documentation has been updated, should you need any help).

"Address already in use" means that another application uses one of the ports Ubooquity uses (2202 for the library, 2203 for the admin page).

You have to use other ports (see here for command line options).

By the way, according to your logs, you are using Java 8 (which is a good thing, since Ubooquity does not work with Java 7).

Thanks for the nice words. :)

You have to run it in a directory with writing rights ("cd" into the one you chose before typing the java command).

I'm asking because Ubooquity keeps user settings in files it creates when running.

If it can't create the files, settings will be lost when Ubooquity is stopped.

You can check if the settings files are properly created (and modified) when you run Ubooquity. Easiest one to check: preferences.json

Two points that are new to Ubooquity 2.0.X (just in case it could help):

  • there are two different ports: one for the library (2202), one for the admin page (2203)
  • by default, the admin page can not be reached from an external machine, you have to explicitely allow remote administration (either on the desktop UI if your run Ubooquity by clicking on the jar, or using the --remoteadmin command line argument)

No no, you did not order me. :)

My bad, english is not my first language, so I don't always manage to express exactly what I mean.

I'm just afraid sometimes that people donate hoping some specific feature in exchange.

So I try to explain I can't commit on anything.

Sometimes even (like right now) when there was no request in the first place.

Part of the "I don't care about the outside world" way of doing things of Apple. :/

You're not the only one annoyed by this:

Please don't feel obliged to give anything.

Ubooquity is a hobby for me, I don't expect money in return. I do appreciate when people donate, of course, but feature implementation is not and will never be linked to donations.

Just a heads-up, I'm going to change the bookmark API in the next version.

I'm going to use Json structures instead of plain text (with additional data: a "finished" flag and a "last update timestamp").

I prefer to do it right now an try to keep the API stable afterwards.