Your comments

I added some code in 2.1.0 to automatically remove the trailing slash.

This kind of "trap" is really bad for usability.

Azw/3 support will be added in next version.

Will be available in 2.0.3 using:


Will return something like:

  "isFilesProviderEnabled" : true,
  "isComicsProviderEnabled" : true,
  "isBooksProviderEnabled" : true,
  "isUserManagementEnabled" : false,
  "libraryPortNumber" : 2202,
  "comicWidth" : 170,
  "comicHeight" : 245,
  "comicsPaginationNumber" : 50,
  "bookWidth" : 160,
  "bookHeight" : 230,
  "booksPaginationNumber" : 30,
  "theme" : "default",
  "reverseProxyPrefix" : "",
  "isOpdsProviderEnabled" : true,
  "bypassSingleRootFolder" : true,
  "enableFolderMetadataDisplay" : true

I agree, I added this feature to my backlog (as usual, no ETA).

In the meantime, you can add UNC paths by editing directly the Json preferences files after having stopped Ubooquity.

Example of comic section settings containing an UNC path:

"comicsPaths" : [ {
    "pathString" : "C:\\Users\\Tom\\Libraries\\Demo\\Comics",
    "userName" : [ "Tom", "Kim", "William" ]
    "pathString" : "\\\\terebi\\Documents\\Comics",
    "userName" : [ "Tom", "Kim", "William" ]
  }  ],

Note the escaping of the backslahes: 2 for 1, 4 for 2.

Your call.

I don't mind letting it live if you want.

Let me know.

The "bypass single root folder" feature works by sending a HTTP 302 (temporary redirection) that sends your browser directly to your single folder.

Hence the translation from /comics/ to /comics/1/.

I don't understand why the protocol changes due to this redirection (when tested on my side, I kept the HTTPS).

For now, I think the problem is linked to your proxy settings somehow. But let me know if you have any additional info/ideas, we'll keep digging.

(NB: naming your root folder "comics" is not a problem, Ubooquity uses ids for folder (in your case: "1")).

File size will be displayed in version 2.0.3.

I have managed to reproduce the problem.

To work around it, make sure you don't have a slash at the end of your admin page URL.

(and let me know if this worked or not)





I'll try to find a way to prevent that.

Slashes management in HTML/JS code has been a problem for me for a long time. :/