Your comments

This one's really a mystery to me.

So yes, having acces to the admin panel of a Ubooquity instance that has the problem could help.

You can contact me directly by email (and in french ;)) at the usual adress: tom at vaemendis dot net.

Keep in mind that providing admin access potentially exposes the whole file system to me.

I won't abuse that of course, but you have only my word, no technical protection.

Ubooquity supports only ComicInfo.xml as metadata storage because this is the de facto standard.
Other metadata storage methods exist, but they are either impractical or supported by a very small number of applications.

Did you try ComicTagger (it is supposed to support Cbr writing provided you have the right external tools) ?

As for the Rar format itself, it may be superior to the Zip format (which is quite old and far from perfect), but for the sole purpose of storing images, I don't get why it has ever been used:

  • Rar format being proprietary, most software just can't modify Rar files (which involves recompressing them).
  • Even Rar uncompressing is not necessarily easy depending on the programming platform you are using: for instance, Ubooquity is using an unmaintained library (last update is 5 years old) because that's the only one available for Java.
  • Zip, on the other hand, is easily the most widely supported compression format, with many libraries to choose from in all programming languages
  • Rar superior features are irrelevant in the context of comics:
    • Compression efficiency doesn't matter: your archive contains already compressed files, the "compressed" file is only acting as a container, not as a way to reduce the overall file size.
    • Stronger encryption: no point in encrypting images inside a cbz/cbr file anyway.
    • Error recovery: it might have been useful in the early days of the Internet (I know, I was there), but it's useless nowadays.
  • Sometimes, when done by careless people, cbr files are compressed as solid archive, which are a performance nightmare when you have to extract a specific image from inside the archive.

For all these reasons, I don't understand why the cbr format is still used today (my guess is: pure inertia and habit).

The database of Ubooquity is not encrypted.

See this thread for an explanation about accessing its content.

(Ubooquity has to be stopped, though)

As for the bookmarks, they are stored server side through a very simple REST API.

Just take a look at the Javascript used by the online reader to get the URLs (F12 in most browsers).

(Ubooquity.jar is just a zip file by the way, you can open it with any compression tool)

Thanks, I broke them when I refreshed the design of the website.

It's fixed now.

2.0.2 is out, with an option to display the title instead of the filename.

Let me know if this fills your needs.

I'm glad it's working now. :)

I guess you downloaded it from the forum (I posted a few intermediate builds for specific problems).

But you're right, I'll name it 2.0.2 to avoid confusion.

I understand but I had to make a choice.

(and it went further than just OPDS, as getting only the title when doing a search could be problematic, to know the issue number for instance).

In any case I'll try to add a display customization option quickly if it's not too complicated.