Your comments

Problem found and fixed (just wait for 2.0.1).

Thanks for reporting this bug.

Good !

Although I still don't understand what happened.

I'm glad it's working now. Thanks for the feedback !

Just tested on my Windows 10 (I don't have any Windows 7 PC available), and it's working too.

To be visible in the list, the root folder (mounted network drive or local, doesn't matter) must be "readable". I guess that might be the reason you don't see them.

Do they need special credential to be accessed ?

In any case, try accessing them using Windows explorer first (so that the crendentials are registered by Windows), then through the Ubooquity admin.

I don't know if it will work, but that's the only thing I can think of right now.

You can test the OPDS feed directly in your browser.

The feed is served on the same port as the library pages.

If you can access your pages at http://your_ip:2202, just add /opds-comics to get the OPDS feed for comics.


This way you can quickly check if the feed is ok.

Could you try that and let us know if you get the feed ?

I have no idea why this is happening. :(

Everyhing seems fine in your configuration.

When security is activated, do you see "Connected as test" on Ubooquity home page (top right corner) ?

I think we should take a look at the content of the cookie.

Could you do a fresh login (an note the time at wich you do) and post here the cookie you get in your browser following this login ?

Bug found and fixed (will be in 2.0.1).

Thanks for the bug report

My plan was to include "read/unread" management in the synchronized bookmarks development, but then I realized it would put the release a few months back.

So I cut it for now.

But it's definitely on my list.