Your comments

Did you explicitely authorize them for each folder you shared ? (the "people" icon next to the name of the folder in the folder list)

On Android you can use ComicViewer for Ubooquity or Challenger Comics Viewer.

On iOS there is Chunky Comic Reader.

I may have forgotten/overlooked some other apps...

Sorry, forgot to tell you: the admin page is available at http://myserver:2203/admin

If you run Ubooquity on a NAS, you'll access the admin page from another machine.

This is forbidden by default for security reasons.

You have to use the --remoteadmin option (I have update the release notes to emphasize this).

Let me know if this fixes your problem.

Fixed and available in Ubooquity 2.0.0.

The expression has to match the whole file path.

By whole file path I mean that Ubooquity tests each file with a path like that:


So the expression has match what's around your folder name.
This one should work:


I'll probably try to simplify this mechanism in the future (e.g. so that a simple "LazyLibrarian|Calibre-Upload" pattern works, without having to match the whole path).


Pattern are described using regular expressions. You'll have to use a logical OR (described by a pipe: "|").

Here is a detailed tutorial to understand regexps:

And here is a tool to easily test your expressions:

Keep in mind that the expression you write will be matched against the entire path of the file, not only the filename.

Might be a bug, I'll investigate.

Consequences of not being able to extract these fonts are quite small anyway, even if you use the online epub reader.

If you don't see any table, the path must be wrong.

When entering a connection string to a file that does not exist, H2 will simply create it, without any table.

(so you must have a new, empty, ubooquity-4.h2.db file created somewhere)