Your comments

Not possible the moment.

It will be when I implement the new templating mechanism I have in mind to allow full customization of the pages.

But it will be a while before I can do it...

Ubooquity logging can be customized by overriding its Logback configuration file.

An example of such customization is available in the documentation.

In your case, you will probably want to use a SyslogAppender, which is fortunately already included in the logback-classic lib used by Ubooquity.

So you should already have everything you need to plug Ubooquity log to your Synology logging system.

The new web admin (in version 2.0) will have a "remember me" checkbox.

Don't check it and your cookie will expire when you close your browser (that's a very standard behavior).

Otherwise the session will stay alive for 30 days.

(in the meantime, you can log off manually with the "log out" link)

The embedded web server happens to have a pool of 20 threads.

I don't know if this might be related or not.

In any case, all this part has been replaced in version 2.0.

So please try again when the new version is out, I'm pretty sure you won't have the problem anymore.

Good catch, I'll see what I can do (since the database is unfortunately not capable of natural sorting, which is what I would need here).

As for the full rescan, it will be necessary with the next version anyway (even preferences will be lost).

I had not thought about providing a synchronization API. But that's a good idea.

Noted (no planned date though).

I'm not convinced by the "average" feature, but user ratings could indeed be interesting.

I'll this feature to my backlog (won't be done with read status though, I'll try to release something before 2017 before adding new features)

I have thought about it and decided against open, sourcing Ubooquity.

Merging pull requests and "managing" a community are not activities I would do for fun (I'm already doing enough of this at work).

So open sourcing Ubooquity would only result in frustration for contributors and/or a complete loss of control over my work when somebody decides to fork it.

If at some point I get bored and stop working on it, then I'll open source Ubooquity so that it can continue to evolve and improve.

In the meantime, I'll work toward making Ubooquity more modular and open to "external" modifications (I'm thinking themes and plugins).

When I see what some users already accomplished with themes (although the modifications Ubooquity currently allows are pretty limited), it encourages me to give them more tools to work with.

You're welcome, happy to know it's working. :)