Your comments

Thanks for coming back and letting me know it's solved. :)

Not right now, but I have plans to add WebPub support to Ubooquity. This would allow (or at least make easier) the use of alternative readers like Readium.

I'd like to release something around the end of the year.

Since it will contain heavy modifications, I'll also probably publish a beta or two.

I am convinced they are displaying pages properly.

I just don't have enough time to reverse engineer Google Play Book to try to use their method.

Thanks for the log.

That's an error I can (and will) investigate.

Thanks for the free security audit. ;)

In fact I did implement script overloading, but then I removed it thinking nobody would use it.

Guess I was wrong, I'll try to put it in again for the next version.

Complete HTML skinning is still far away though.

I never used Google Play books, so I don't know.

Agreed, the problem is pretty clear.

Now I have to find the exact point of the leak, which should not be too complex, as soon as I get the time to do it.

In the meantime, if you have root access, you should be able to raise the max number of opened file handler (far from ideal, I know).

Not a bad idea, but I already have a backlog filled for 2 or 3 years. ;)

Thanks for the information, it allowed me to find and fix the bug.