Your comments

I think it would probably be best if Ubooquity would just ignore such files

Agreed and fixed (but not tested, let me know when the next release is done if it works for you).

Synchronized bookmarks (which includes unread/read state synchronization) is still planned for the next release.

I still have to begin working on it though (been lost in HTTP server and web UI rewriting the past few months).

Ubooquity doesn't make any difference between requests coming from the local network (or localhost) and request coming from the outside.

So if Ubooquity is working correctly when accessed from your MacBook Pro, then this is purely a network/router issue.

Sorry for not being able to help more.

This error means that your Java version is too old (Ubooquity needs Java 8).

You probably have several different versions of Java on your Mac Mini (since Ubooquity is working when you double click on the jar).

You can work around this problem either by:

- changing the version of Java in your path

- or by using the full path to your Java binary instead of just using "java"

Thanks for coming back and letting me know it's solved. :)

Not right now, but I have plans to add WebPub support to Ubooquity. This would allow (or at least make easier) the use of alternative readers like Readium.

I'd like to release something around the end of the year.

Since it will contain heavy modifications, I'll also probably publish a beta or two.

I am convinced they are displaying pages properly.

I just don't have enough time to reverse engineer Google Play Book to try to use their method.

Thanks for the log.

That's an error I can (and will) investigate.

Thanks for the free security audit. ;)

In fact I did implement script overloading, but then I removed it thinking nobody would use it.

Guess I was wrong, I'll try to put it in again for the next version.

Complete HTML skinning is still far away though.