Your comments

The UI rewrite will only impact administration UI (the desktop GUI and the web admin page).

The only modification that will impact themes is the potential addition of a new "mark as read" button. Nothing too big.

Sorry, Docker and LXC are out of my field of expertise.

I can only tell you to use "kill -3" instead of "kill -9" to get a thread dump (and then to look at the standard output of Ubooquity, not the logs).

Or just use jstack.

I'm guessing that "/home/bob/smb:/" is the path that does not exists.

What path did you enter in your configuration ?

Seeing "SMB" in the path, I suppose that you are sharing a folder accessed through SMB.

That might be the issue here, I never tested Ubooquity with SMB, and I don't know how it will behave (not that well apparently).

Well, ids are auto generated by an sequence when populating the database.

The file hierarchy links are represented by the "parentid" column.

Creating and especially maintaining a "metadata id" system like the one you described would be quite complex, I prefer to keep it simple. ;)

At the moment there is no API exposed by Ubooquity that you could use to do what you describe.

(well, there is the OPDS feed, which support searching, but I guess this is not what you are looking for)

The H2 database is a standard one that can be accessed using any JDBC driver, but Ubooquity has to be stopped first, and you would have to use Java code.

I think it would probably be best if Ubooquity would just ignore such files

Agreed and fixed (but not tested, let me know when the next release is done if it works for you).

Synchronized bookmarks (which includes unread/read state synchronization) is still planned for the next release.

I still have to begin working on it though (been lost in HTTP server and web UI rewriting the past few months).

Ubooquity doesn't make any difference between requests coming from the local network (or localhost) and request coming from the outside.

So if Ubooquity is working correctly when accessed from your MacBook Pro, then this is purely a network/router issue.

Sorry for not being able to help more.

This error means that your Java version is too old (Ubooquity needs Java 8).

You probably have several different versions of Java on your Mac Mini (since Ubooquity is working when you double click on the jar).

You can work around this problem either by:

- changing the version of Java in your path

- or by using the full path to your Java binary instead of just using "java"