Your comments

I have no idea why this is happening. :(

Everyhing seems fine in your configuration.

When security is activated, do you see "Connected as test" on Ubooquity home page (top right corner) ?

I think we should take a look at the content of the cookie.

Could you do a fresh login (an note the time at wich you do) and post here the cookie you get in your browser following this login ?

Bug found and fixed (will be in 2.0.1).

Thanks for the bug report

My plan was to include "read/unread" management in the synchronized bookmarks development, but then I realized it would put the release a few months back.

So I cut it for now.

But it's definitely on my list.

That's weird.

I guess one could understand that due to a version change of the PDF rendering library some covers are not generated, but that PDF thumbnails are missing only in Safari, I don't get it.

Once they are generated, there is absolutely no difference between the thumbnail of a PDF and the thumbnail of a CBR/Z.

The Safari specific bug you mentionned (HTTP pipelining) has has been fixed in 2.0.0 (and in Safari for iOS 10 by the way) thanks to the use of Jetty as internal web server, so it's a different problem.

I will need a bit more data to understand what's going on. Perhaps you could try a few "variations" (try with a direct connection, on other PDF, I don't know...) and see if a pattern emerges.

Thanks for the detailed bug report.

Reproduced and fixed. :)

Probably way off for two reasons:

  • It would be a nice to have feature (I would like to have it to for my personal use), but not a real new functionality (not sure the if the difference is clear).
  • It might seem stupid, but determining the "next comic" is not as trivial as it seems (as the order and grouping can be changed at any time)

Anyway, I'd like it too, it's on my list.

Sorry for not replying earlier, as you can see there are a lot of topics going on at the moment on the forum.

I would have guessed the same thing as you did: the symptoms point to a read-only user settings file.

By the way, the said file is in your Ubooquity working directory and is now called preferences.json.

No it's not normal.

And I can't reproduce the issue on my side.

Is it the only settings that get reset upon restart ?

How do you launch Ubooquity ? Using the command line or by clicking on the jar ?

Do you you use it in headless mode or with the desktop UI ?