Your comments

@ubooquity_37b645 : sorry for not answering, your message came at a time I had not much time to answer, I forgot to go back to it afterwards.

Both of you: I have been able to reproduce the issue with PDF shared in the "books" section. I'll fix it. Does it happen in other cases for you ?

Could you activate the "Store bookmarks in cookies instead of the server" option in advanced settings and try again ?

It is. :)

Look at the "exclusion pattern" option in the advanced settings.

That's weird: it's as if one class of the PDF library used by Ubooquity was missing, but the other (from the same library) were here.

I have to admit I have no idea how this can happen.

Ok,the classe is accessible, but something goes wrong during the fonts loading.

You wouldn't happen to have a "Caused by" stack trace in your logs just below the one you posted ?

The file type overlay (in addition to the type already displayed in the "details" dialog) has already been requested, quite a long time ago. I agree it would be useful and I still plan to implement it someday.

The two other features would be quite rarely used, in my opinion. So I will probably never implement them given the huge backlog of features I am already late for. :)

(also, mobi and azw are closed formats that I don't want to "invest" on)

Did you clear your browser cache ?

I can't think of better ideas than what you proposed, unfortunately.

I tried copying the name and password hash from the .xml file over to the .json file in the new format

That's the right thing to do.
But you have to be sure to stop Ubooquity before replacing the json file (Ubooquity overwrites it upon exit).

@TierparkToni: settings are stored in a separate preferences file, not in the database. So it is editable by hand.


I have downloaded them and had begun to take a look, but I've been taken away by non-Ubboquity issues for a while.

I still plan to give it shot. :)