Your comments

Negative, as indicated by me playing with my active copy of Ubooquity, I'm not great about version handling and document control.  

This is something that Tom has marked as "Planned", though he's been mostly MIA for long time now.  But, hey, you returned from the grave, so there's still hope!  =D

You'll see my post in there, I'm pretty sure I damn near edited this theme so that it would have marked every comic in my library as currently being on the last page in my attempt to add a button for "Mark as Read".   Probably best if I create a duplicate of my Ubooquity and play in that one if I ever bother with that again!

mark readed comics / General / Ubooquity (

Thank you.  yeah the replacement for underscores is really just my thing, it will probably never affect anyone else. My old way of organizing folders of events in my library, before you implemented this theme and those hyperlink buttons, was to have them in folders that started with an underscore (IE:  _Rebirth) so that they appeared at the front of my directory, and so those messed up names ended up appearing in my new link on the right.

This pic shows it.  Honestly, the better approach may be to replace underscores with spaces, in case someone out there has their directory names setup with underscores instead of spaces, which is likely to happen on Linux. I just tested it, it doesn't break the page.

Well here's mine then I guess.  It's a more mobile friendly version with larger button up top, in the dropdown, and in the breadcrumb trail.  I s'pose I'll try to keep it updated as I make changes, but I don't forsee myself doing anything more unless we can crack the ability to only display the number of issues unread instaed of the total, but we can probably get that into a toggle in Scott's version too.

Budlyte/Comixology_Ubooquity_2 (

Scott, welcome back! sorta.  Your theme is wonderful and pretty simple to edit by tracking things down with Inspect.

I figured you want to stay as close as possible to the source material, hence my own custom "upgrades" for my specific needs and simply sharing them here. I suppose we could work to change the "mobile" button to have the them load up a more mobile friendly css file, instead of jumping to that "Just use a OPDS app" landing page. The only real fix I have is the one I submitted now, I apparently didn't hit the Commit button on my pull request earlier...

Since you're here.....  could you tell me where the Read Progress data comes from?

I think I found the portion that gets the "Read Progress" of each comic but cannot find the function "returnval" that is being called. This seems like it could be edited to scan for comics in the directory that are a % complete, to be determined in Settings.js but defaults to 95?, and only count those.

The main link is still it.  Martin and I have done some custom work, to fit our individual wants, but it's all just edits of the comixology.css & themescript.js files, and we just share them here. You simply just copy/paste the files into your theme directory.

I did go ahead and submit my getSeriesJson edit to the github master, but I have no idea if Scott is even still alive, he hasn't visited this forum in a long time.

nah, he added Getcomics a long time ago and it's pretty good now. But yeah, I use usenet for everything

I saw this and joined an IRC chat, for the first time ever, 4 hours later, via the link in Mylar's settings page. Looks like it's just me in there, Red_M_ is afk

Renaming the regular cover.jpg file to folder.jpg doesn't work for this because the folder.jpg is actually a square thumb. Ubooquity actually scrapes the cover of the first comic in each directory itself and will display that as the folder image if one doesn't exist.

I actually thought the series.json creation would be easier since the data is actually already being parsed from Comicvine in the metata, the description for the series on Comixology is usually just the same thing Comicvine has for the first issue.

Awesome, thank you. Honestly, if you can point us in the direction of the metatagger script, we can probably figure this out. I doubt evilhero cares to bother with some custom features for a single theme on Ubooquity when they're currently busy getting the Python3 code cleaned up.

It would be great if the metadata parser had an option to download the thumbnail image of the Comicvine search result, which is nested under "img imgflare" in its inspection, and save it as "folder.jpg".  The 2nd, and easier, part is to create a "series.json" file in the comic directory with the below format. Without this file the directory is missing some custom features.

{"metadata": [{ "type": "comicSeries", "publisher": "Oni Press", "name": "Rick and Morty", "year": "2015", "description": "Description Here"}]}

Here's my file because I can't get it format in this forum.


Good to hear. I'm guessing you edited the text of the Publishers button in the .js file, and did a remove on the line for the Random button.

I use Mylar as well, and have considered editing the metadata grabber, but that program is hundreds of files each thousands of lines long. I just can't find it. If you can, it's a matter of getting the square image in comicvines search, for the folder.jpg, though theirs aren't the cool customs thumbs that comixology has. And generating a series.json would be simple, but comicvine doesn't have a series synopsis to parse either, atleast you could get the page setup though.