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Read the description on the settings. Showrandom is for that section showing up on the Home screen.

The Comics/Comics section, then going to Comics/Publishers can be confusing, this happens because you have multiple sections Comics and Events (Story Arcs). If you had only the Comics section then the Publishers button would take you straight in there. It does this because if you have another comics section, it is shared at the same level and the system needs to allow the user to pick which they want to enter.

I went ahead and found the size for the title on the Home screen. Set the height in Comixology.css

.list-container .cellcontainer .content-title {
    font-size: 15px;
    height: 35px;

it's just positioning and z-index. If you inspect the issue number you'll see it has a large negative number on it now, to bring it above the Title that it is built after. I also needed to massively increase its vertical size, because the read button is built after it.

Alrighty,  I revisited the whole "text wrapping" vs "ellipses" issue and decided that I didn't like where the "Issue x" was sitting for this.  So, I swapped their positions, and made the title box larger to fit 3 full lines. Yes, I also updated the Bookmarks page.

I used Rick and Morty as my basis, because those titles can get long.  ( A caveat, I solely use Ubooquity on my tablet. I setup a scripted shortcut on my home screen that opens directly to my Publishers page and hides the notification bar and bottom buttons to give full screen, so I never visit the Home page of Ubooquity.)

Here are screenshot and my file.



Now that I've dug more into this, I think I found the portion gets the "Read Progress" of each comic but cannot find the function "returnval" that is being called. I think this can be edited to give the number of "Unread" comics instead of total, but I cannot figure out where the function lives that is doing the scraping. I'm sure it's in the Ubooquity.far files, but I have can't find it.


It did slightly increase the vertical spacing.

Hey I figured it out! What I did was get the length of the breadcrumb trail and subtract one, to always get the name of the parent directory. I did this because I have a lot of comics organized based on Event, such as in the picture.

New Code starting around line 367:

        var curloc = 2
        if ($('#cmx_breadcrumb a:eq(0)').length > 0){
            var curloc = $('#cmx_breadcrumb a').length - 1;
        var publisher = $('#cmx_breadcrumb a:eq('+curloc+')').text();

        publisher = publisher.replace('_', '');


Now the label on the right side will always show what directory you're in.  I also replaced any underscores in the folder name, because of how I used to organize my Event folders. I haven't figured out where the name is stored for the section on top, and probably won't bother.

Oh, here. I'll just make it easy and provide the actual file.


Geeze, I do not know how to do javascript.... Anyway!   I found that if you're using Story Arcs, or have other comic paths setup, then line 369 in themscript.js needs to be updated to look at breadcrumb item 2, instead of 1.


var publisher = $('#cmx_breadcrumb a:eq(1)').text();


var publisher = $('#cmx_breadcrumb a:eq(2)').text();

Are you using the OPDS feed?    It'll be your address with "/opds-comics" at the end.

Or, does your web page have the "Mobile" link at the top?  That gives you the OPDS feed at the bottom.

Whoa, hey, that setting in the Advanced section "Do not remove data from unreachable folders", unless you intentionally have that unchecked, I highly recommend it be checked.

Maybe your comics are on the same system as your Ubooquity server, so you have a more stable setup than my server + NAS, but if that folder ever goes unreachable and Ubooquity does a scan it will delete your whole database.

I believe it did require a specific folder structure, and Scott hasn't updated the script in years. there was never any documentation, I'm not sure anyone actually got it working, other than him.

I just manually build a series.json file whenever I add a new comic. it only takes a minute to find the comixology page, save the image, copy this file over, and throw the info in.
