Your comments
Make sure you don't have anything in the Reverse Proxy Prefix section of your admin page.
If you do, you need to add that to the end of the URL when accessing Ubooquity
I'm wondering WTF you're doing this for though.
Why not just buy a cheap micro SD card, and use an app on your phone?
My guess is you just don't have rights to edit the files. Are they stored on another machine from the one you're using to edit them, such as a NAS?
Nope. Ubooquity spits out a URL for you to hit with a web browser. your server needs to be on some sort of network for other devices to reach that URL
You might be able to work it out with something like this and either wifi-direct, or some software on your server machine to act as a router. But, you won't be able to access the internet from your phone while connected to the PC.
Or use your phone as a second screen, via USB
Oh jeeze, then again, that is one sketchy-ass main pic....
Alright well, some of what I had done was wrong. I don't care to ever see the Comics-Kids section that I created, and really didn't care to come to this screen either.
My mistake was that I hadn't checked the box to enable separate Users in the Ubooquity Admin. Now my account loads directly into my Comics section and the kids' accounts loads directly into the Comics-Kids section.
I do find the above page interesting and possibly useful later, though.
Nothing fancy here, I've just got an issue with multiple comics libraries.
I've done just like the example in the Admin screen, so that I can have a kids' comics library and not have to deal with Angry Birds comics in my own library.
The Admin example
The Result, this is actually the Browse/Publishers section. The skin gets buggy and highlights NEW no matter where I'm at. Am I missing a file?
Tom has said HERE that he doesn't want to give any more estimations on releases, since they change so much. BUT, this is the feature he's currently working on and then releasing V2.0! =D
anything that supports OPDS. I believe Challenger viewer has direct support for Ubooquity as well.
Though I wonder, why do you need an app? Why doesn't the browser work for you?
Customer support service by UserEcho
Just making sure. You're running Java, version 8 or higher?