Your comments

Christophe, speak with Elouan Le Bretton in this thread. I do not have experience with enabling the UTF-8 character set in Ubooquity. Elouan figured it out and may be able to help you.

Christophe, I see that you commented out the $MEM variable, but also include it in your exec string. Would this prevent the exec string from executing? I'm not able to test this right now

You also set the working directory to the same directory ubooquity.jar is saved. There is no need to do that since Java will use that directory by default. You set -workdir only when you don't want to use the default.

If you can't figure out what is going on then I suggest you make the script much simpler by removing all of your variable declarations and putting them back in to the exec line. Simple is better :)

start on started httpd-user
stop on runlevel [06]

exec /var/packages/JavaManager/target/Java/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar /var/packages/Ubooquity/Ubooquity.jar -port 2202 -webadmin

Lastly, you don't have to reboot your NAS to test your startup script! You can start or stop the ubooquity service at any time by using the commands stop ubooquity and start ubooquity.

Christope, Elouan discovered how to start Ubooquity with the ability to set the character set to UTF8. His solution should answer your question. Read his comment at the bottom of this page for the start up parameter.

Justin, Challenger Viewer may use an underlying technology on the device for fetching images that, but default, caches the images in a system accessible way. This makes sense for operating systems that run on mobile devices because it'd lessen the amount of bandwidth used over a wireless network.

If this is the case the engineer making Challenger Viewer may have written the program to not save local caches of the images, but the act of asking the system to fetch then render the image may cache it.

Elouan is definitely right about this being a permissions issue. SSH in to your NAS and try a chmod -R 777 /Volume_1/Comics on your comics folder. If that solves your problem please let us know so Tom can close this thread or we can help someway else.

I made an example fiddle to show you how this can be accomplished. Tweaking the user interface will be available once Tom externalizes the HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Currently the page is generated from within Tom's main Java code. There no estimated time as to when this'll be more mod friendly.
Rich, it sounds like you are running Ubooquity on your Mac. Which of these two way are you wanting to access Ubooquity's web interface?

1) I want to read comics on the same Mac.
2) I want to read comics through a different device that is connected to my Mac through my local network.

If #1 then put http://localhost:2202 in to your browser. That'll bring up Ubooquity if it is running and was started with the -webadmin parameter.

If #2 then go to, find your router, then follow the pictures to set up port forwarding. Both the external and internal ports should be 2202 and the forwarding IP is the local IP address of your Macintosh.

You should almost never enable DMZ through your router. Keep it off and find another way to access the Mac.
I just tested it and your changes worked, Athanasios! Thank you so much for testing different values. I updated the ubooquity.conf script on my server. I'll make the changes to the tutorial sometime in the next few days and try to get Tom to change his hosted version.

About the -Duser.dir java parameter: by default the Java working directory will be the directory that holds the .jar you are running. On Synology machines with Ubooquity in /var/packages that means it's on the system partition. Synology gives us about 3GB on the system partition and I've filled that with thumbnails from my comics in the past. This means, to allow for future growth, you should set the Java working directory to a directory in the /volume1 partition which can have anywhere from 2TB to 16TB depending on your hard drive configuration.

That's why I use -Duser.dir='/volume1/Comics/Ubooquity' instead of -Duser.dir='/var/packages/Ubooquity'.
I'm testing Upstart instead of rc.d. Upstart should be installed already on everyone's Synology device.

cd /etc/init
chmod 755 ubooquity.conf

Ubooquity should start as a service on reboot. You can manually start or stop the service by typing, from any location:

start ubooquity
stop ubooquity

If you don't use the same java parameters I use make sure to edit the exec string in ubooquity.conf.

The service still does not start on boot... Can you guys help me out by testing out possible different values for line 1 of ubooquity.conf? Maybe "start on startup" is not a good alias.
I just tried this on my DS415+ with DSM -5592 and Ubooquity is available from the web interface. Make sure you are starting the .jar with the -webadmin parameter. If Ubooquity still does not show the web interface delete your database file "ubooquity-4.h2.db" and restart the server.