Weird Behaviour when scanning books
I've shared my books in a way that might not be *supported* by Ubooquity from what i gathered from the other topics and i see a strange behaviour.
I've shared :
Books/ with User1 & User 2 having access
Books/SubDirectory User1 only having access
And now, everytime Ubooquity does a scan, it treats the content in Books/Subdirectory as new. But on top of that, sometimes it appears as it's own "root folder" entry, sometimes not.
I'm yet to test if user security is properly enforced or not, but could it be something that's a consequence of the fact Ubooquity don't support "fine graining" User right on subdirectories ?
(just to know if i have more tests to do, or cave in and move out that specific folder out of my main directory tree to make it a standalone one, because i need it to be restricted to a handful of users, when the main one will be accessible to pretty much everyone - and i don't really feel like sharing manually each subcategory in my directory tree, even if i might end up doing exactly that in the end. :)).
Btw, could it be possible in a future update to get 2 ways to set up user permissions ?
- The current one where you set up for each shared folder, the users having access to those folders
- the "reverse" one, allowing to set up which folder(s) a user have access too with checkboxes, from the user security panel ?
Would make it easier to add new users when there is quite some shared folders honestly. ;)
Ebook mobile usage
Everything is working fine, but reading ebooks on devices lacking a keyboard is lacking. Unless I'm missing an option for enable a touch interface that lets you go next/back by touching the edges.
I do see two buttons appear briefly as the ebook loads, but the ebooks I'm reading are manga (and I don't want to convert them) and so the "page" is an image that loads on top of them. Is there an option to push the page down below the buttons?
more folder
Nested components
I want to ask: How much is the maximum of nested folders? I would need 4 or more. Possible?
Children's Literature - Adventure - Writer's Name - a series of books
Children's Literature - Donned - May Karl - Series Vinnetou
Can you do that? And how?
Unable to read when the first file is a .txt inside a rar (.cbr) archive
When the first file of rar (.cbr) archive is a (.txt) file ubooquity is unable to read it.
Thumbnails are not displayed
rar version tested in 4
20190221 08:29:37 [qtp875313400-776] INFO - Someone is reading L:\test\test02.cbr
20190221 08:29:37 [qtp875313400-776] ERROR com.ubooquity.f.a - Could not get image from file: L:\test\test02.cbr
20190221 08:29:37 [qtp875313400-776] WARN - Could not extract page 0 from document L:\test\test02.cbr (NullPointerException)
20190221 08:29:37 [qtp875313400-794] ERROR com.ubooquity.f.a - Could not get image from file: L:\test\test02.cbr
20190221 08:29:37 [qtp875313400-794] WARN - Could not extract page 1 from document L:\test\test02.cbr (NullPointerException)
20190221 08:29:37 [qtp875313400-789] ERROR com.ubooquity.f.a - Could not get image from file: L:\test\test02.cbr
20190221 08:29:37 [qtp875313400-789] WARN - Could not extract page 2 from document L:\test\test02.cbr (NullPointerException)
Nginx Reverse Proxy CSS Error
I have my Ubooquity instance going through a Nginx reverse proxy. I have the admin page working just fine with no errors but the main page displays just the text (No CSS) and the Chrome console reports
(I cut off half the error messagege because it includes my FQDN)
My nginx config is the following
server {
listen 443 ssl http2;
access_log /var/log/nginx/ubooquity_access.log;
#access_log off;
error_log /var/log/nginx/ubooquity_error.log;
location / {
location /admin {
location /admin-res {
location /admin-api {
Adding BPG image support?
I've been converting a lot of image files from JPG to BPG, and the file size savings is significant. Is there any chance of Ubooquity supporting BPG in the future?
Ubuntu Mate 18.04
Can't access admin interface. Tried using another computer. Running ubooquity on NAS, NAS firewall is forwarded for used port. Tried IP:port/admin also tried IP:port/ubooquity/admin , nothing works. Performed a restart. I can pull standard Ubooquity web interface but not admin. Tried changing port number using preferences.json also made sure remote admin option is enabled. I've been working on this for two days now, No Go! Thank you.
Ubooquity starts then stops. Not showing up on 2202 or 2203
So it's been 2 years since my Ubooquity has worked. Tried getting it back up today and it seems to Start but when it does it's not available at 2202 or 2203 with or without /admin and after 5 or 6 seconds it says stop/waiting. Any ideas?
Having a dev friend help but he isn't super familiar with this. He thinks it's a Java issue.
Directory description.
Ubooquity is great for simple manga directory structure but it's a burden when we move to a larger manga database (you know, I love manga).
Search ".description" (or similar) while browsing directory, if the file is found then the whole directory (and subs) is a "leaf": inside you'll find a single comic repository.
File ".description" can contain metadata like:
- title
- description (short / long)
- author
- illustrator (shouldn't be here but it's ok)
- arcs (i.e. "from 1 to 15 is Falling sky, from 16 to 67 is Becoming adult etc...)
- genre
- tags
- "see also"
tags, author, illustrator and other fields could be used for "advanced" search.
If ".description" exist then a ".samples" subfolder (with covers and similar stuff) could exist too.
If ".description" exist then a ".extra" subfolder (with specials, out of order etc) could exist too.
Comic files can be:
- as they already are (duh)
- splitted between folders (like "arc 1", "arc 2", "arc 3" etc)
I know this isn't really easy to do but well, as far as they are just "ideas"... why not ?
Up arrow in mags does not do what is expected...
I have 13 screens of magazines (373 different magazines, with several thousand issues).
When I'm on say screen 3, and select a magazine, and then select the up arrow; rather than take me back to screen 3, it goes to screen 1.
This means if I want to get back to mags on screen 7 I have way too many extra clicks.
Thank you for this great app!
Customer support service by UserEcho