Under review

Crashes when advancing pages too fast

Peter Pflibsen 6 years ago updated by Tom 6 years ago 1

When viewing a PDF book, and advancing pages quickly with right arrow, ubooquity crashes.

Under review

Ubooquity doesn't seem to remember my reading history

Praveen Reddy 6 years ago updated by lostndessence 5 years ago 7

I'm running Ubooquity on my Synology DS3617xs NAS via a Docker container.  The image I'm using is the linuxserver/ubooquity one.  

My primary reason for using Ubooquity is for its comic streaming capabilities.  I have a large number of CBR's and CBZ's.

Can someone please advise on how I can get Ubooquity to remember my reading history?  For some reason, it doesn't.


Custom Theme

Jbugman1 6 years ago updated by willis 6 years ago 5


Long time user of this software for my extensive PDF library.

Apart from the usual memory problems, the ONLY thing what would really make my day would be the ability to theme or allow hooks for us to theme

I seem to recall reading somewhere that this may happen soon? How soon is soon? Winter is coming and i’m needing something to keep me going......

Thank you Tom!

Under review

PDF issues: memory use and UTF encoding

Frédéric Sarter 6 years ago updated by Chip Andre 5 years ago 3


and first of all so many thanks for a wonderful piece of software! I'm running Ubooquity as a systemd service on a Raspberry Pi with OSMC and it is beautiful - the most elegant way to access & enjoy the large collection of ebooks I was sitting on! 

I see on the forum that there have been longstanding issues with Ubooquity and PDFs, and I thought I might add my grain of salt (and a few questions...)

1) It seems memory leaks are still an issue with larger PDFs, and Java OOM errors do occur - monitoring my swap space I could sometimes see it increase to gigas worth of data before the whole system would freeze completely (the RAM limit I set for Java was apparently not taken into account when it came to scanning PDFs). I'm pretty sure this is a pdfbox issue, not an Ubooquity one - so the ability to parse PDFs with an external software (mupdf or poppler) that Tom mentionned as a possibility for future versions seems the way to go! :)

In the meantime I manage to avoid most OOM by setting up a large swap space, temporarily disabling other services on the machine and setting the GPU share of the RAM to the minimum each time I want to launch a library scan with Ubooquity - a bit cumbersome but it does the trick!

2) My second PDF-related issue was a bit more tricky. At first Ubooquity would not scan files with accented characters - being French this was really a problem, although solving it was as simple as setting the system locale to fr_FR.UTF-8... *But* once this was done there was a fair number of PDFs that Ubooquity suddenly could no longer scan, with the following error showing up in logs: "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.font.PDType1Font"

After fiddling with various parameters, I found out that flagging the java command I use to start Ubooquity with "-Dfile.encoding=UTF-16" does the trick: Ubooquity now scans all my PDF files flawlessly, provided there are not corrupt or malformatted.

*But* - there must always be a "but" :( - when I start Ubooquity this way it doesn't handle CBR files anymore.

Not a biggie really - I use a simple bash script to convert all my CBR file to CBZ... Voilà!  :)

Hence my questions:

- Is there another way to get Ubooquity to scan all my files, irrespective of their encoding?

- Would there be a way to use the "java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-16" flag ONLY for PDF parsing and rendering?

-Or alternatively, would there by a way to flag whatever utility is used to decompress and parse CBR files with another encoding parameter so that Ubooquity can parse RAR/CBR files again?

No worries, batch converting CBRs to CBZ is an easy enough workaround... But I'm still curious to know whether there would be a less dirty/more elegant/simpler solution to the PDF parsing issues... :)


2.1.1. Performance Issues

osuhickeys 6 years ago 0

I have been having performance issues since upgrading to 2.x.  Everything inside my network works fine, but accessing externally is extremely slow and never fully loads pages.  After logging in, all authors are listed on the first page, but all book covers are blank.  In about 30 seconds 25% of them populate. At about 60 seconds 50% of them are populated.  The rest never finish loading.

I am running jre1.8.0_181 on Windows 10.0.17134.285.  I am running Ubooquity 2.1.1.  I do not see any errors in the Ubooquity logs  I am running Caddy as my reverse proxy.  I did not have these issues when running 1.x on the same machine with Caddy.  I have several other apps exposed externally with Caddy and they all are running OK.

Not quite sure what to try at this point.


Is it possible to import books from *.inpx file?

Probity 6 years ago updated by Tom 6 years ago 3


I have QNAP-563 NAS with installed Ubooquity and local flibusta.org library. That library has a lot of zip-archives, all of them have 240+Gb as a size and *.inpx file with the description of the content. On my local PC, I can and search through the library using MyHomeLib app, and I can do the same using FreeLib app on my MacBook Pro. But I'd like to create a kind of network library with OPDS supporting and use it through the web as well using my NAS with Ubooquity.

Well, the question is: Is it possible to convert and share this library with Ubooquity somehow?



Lots of problems after switching to 2.1 from 1.x

Graham Wheeler 6 years ago updated by Graham Wheeler 6 years ago 2

I'm on Ubuntu 18. I was running Ubooquity 1.x for a long time with no issues but decided to try v2.1.

First thing I notice is that the web interface says I need to add folders, so its clearly not picking up the old database.

Second thing I notice is that if I click on "Library", "Admin Screen", or "Open log folder", nothing happens; and if I then try to quit Ubooquity I get an "application isn't responding message" So any of those seem to just lock it up.

Third thing I notice: if I go to the admin port from a browser I just get an error:

Problem accessing /. Reason:

Could not find matching provider (wrong URL)

Back to 1.x for me.


How are you doing the Uboquity,Unraid,Docker,Nginx,duckdns reverse proxy Set up?

iPatrickH 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

Issues I am having with Reverse Proxy set up: These are not my actual IP's and domains,  just examples.

  • I am Able to access ubooquity on port 443 through DSN at DumbDuck.duckdns.org = Works. Destination Nat/Port Forwarding Correctly configured.
  • I am able to access nginx on port 443 through DSN at DumbDuck.duckdns.org = Works. Destination Nat/Port Forwarding Correctly configured.
  • linuxserver/letsencrypt Docker For some reason I cannot get it to work, unable to get to the "Welcome to our server" Welcome landing page locally (webUI) or through DNS. all destination Nat and forwarding is set up correctly in Juniper SRX 220. I am thinking its just broken. 

    Image 430

  • using Notepad++ to edit .conf files
  • Do not want Admin reachable through DNS and I am not using port 80
  • All docker containers are on a Custom Ip range, just not on a Specific custom Docker ip range. I did create a custom network in command line via "docker network create nginxLAN".  When I tried this setting change in each of my containers, The docker container will no longer start providing a for ip. 



Docker Containers 

- linuxserver/Nginx (port 443 open)
- linuxserver/Ubiquity
- linuxserver/DuckDNS - HOST DumbDuck.duckdns.org - PublicIP

I am Having a very hard time knowing exactly what to add to the nginx.conf file and exactly where. or. If I need a New file ubooquity.subdomain.conf and how to integrate the linuxserver/letsencrypt setup with linuxserver/nginx. I have tried adn I have given up where I need some help. 

 This is the long winded nginx.conf file, and below the conf info I found on these forums.

Image 429


server {
    listen      443 ssl;
    server_name DumbDuck.duckdns.org;
    # SSL
    include     /config/nginx/ssl.conf;
    location / {
        proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
        # HTTP 1.1 support
        proxy_http_version 1.1;
        proxy_set_header Connection "";
# location /admin {
#     proxy_pass http://ubooquity:2203/admin/;
#     proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
#     proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
#     proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
#     proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
#     # HTTP 1.1 support
#     proxy_http_version 1.1;
#     proxy_set_header Connection "";
# }

#location /admin-res {
#    proxy_pass http://ubooquity:2203/admin-res/;
#    proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
#    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
#    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
#    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
# HTTP 1.1 support
#       proxy_http_version 1.1;
#      proxy_set_header Connection "";
#  }
#server {
#listen 80;
#server_name ubooquity.domain.com;
#return 301 https://$host$request_uri;



Enabling HTTPS on Windows 10 - I have my cert, now what?

Tom Davies 6 years ago updated by Björn Ryrholm 6 years ago 2

After a bunch of messing around with my DNS provider (GoDaddy), I finally got my certificates from SSLforFree.com.

So, now I have a ca_bundle.crt, a certificate.crt, and a private.key file. What the heck do I do with them? By the way, I have Ubooquity running on a Windows 10 Pro machine.

I swear I had tried this years ago with a self-signed cert, and there were good directions here on the Ubooquity site. But I can't find them. The only HTTPS/SSL/cert instructions I can find are for Linux. :(

Thanks in advance,


Side Note:

For anyone using GoDaddy and getting a cert from sslforfree.com, I had to create TXT records a couple of times to get it to work. Entering in _acme-challenge.mydomain.com for the Name value would not work at all. I had to use @ for the name and combine the name and the values they gave me into the value field on GoDaddy's web interface. Like this:

Type: TXT

Name: @

Value: _acme-challenge.mydomain.com=the-key-value-sslforfree-gave-me

Type: TXT

Name: @

Value: Value: _acme-challenge.www.mydomain.com=the-other-key-value-sslforfree-gave-me


Directories missing from Server

Alexander Case 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 5

I recently added a couple directories of comics to the shared directory for my server - but they're not showing up in the server itself. I know the files are where I put them because I properly organized the directories using ComicRack - and I know the files in the directories are properly formatted because I opened them using ComicRack and CDisplayEX. I also know the directories are being scanned by Ubooquity because I checked the logs and confirmed the directories are there.

However, if I search for those directories or their contents in the Ubooquity library, I can't find them. I just get blank search results.

Running Ubooquity 2.1.1 using Windows 10.