OPDS Error 500

MegaCookie 7 years ago updated by Brain Node 6 years ago 2

When I enable ubooquity opds and access the OPDS page I get an Error 500. This is on a Linux server with Oracle Java and I get the same result with openJDK. I also use a Nginx reverse-proxy with the following prefix: 'ubooquity'. Accessing the normal Ubooquity interface works fine.

Edit: I also tried: /ubooquity/opds-comics/ with a slash at the end, but that didn't solve the problem.

In the logs I see:

20180427 14:47:10 [qtp1420232606-93] ERROR com.ubooquity.d.b - Request processing failed for URI: /ubooquity/opds-comics (method:GET)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal base64 character 2f
at java.util.Base64$Decoder.decode0(Base64.java:714) ~[na:1.8.0_162]
at java.util.Base64$Decoder.decode(Base64.java:526) ~[na:1.8.0_162]
at com.ubooquity.f.k.a(SourceFile:17) ~[Ubooquity.jar:2.1.1]
at com.ubooquity.d.c.a(SourceFile:153) ~[Ubooquity.jar:2.1.1]
at com.ubooquity.d.c.a(SourceFile:107) ~[Ubooquity.jar:2.1.1]
at com.ubooquity.d.b.handle(SourceFile:54) ~[Ubooquity.jar:2.1.1]

And this is the HTML response:


Problem accessing /ubooquity/opds-comics. Reason:

    Internal server error: Illegal base64 character 2f

Is it possible, or minor feature request: Increase number of books under "latest comics"

Warborg 7 years ago updated by CuberTuber780 (Lukas) 7 years ago 1

I have a pretty extensive collection and add a lot weekly, so sometimes the "Latest Comics" section can't keep up with the influx+my limited reading time.  Is it possible to increase the number of entries under "Latest Comics", maybe addition of multiple pages and a user definable period of what is "latest"?


Can i Change a Main Folder

Sandro 7 years ago 0

Hello ,

can i change a mainfolder in somehow ini file or something? Backround,

i want have a Folder Change in the path:


for example to


Is it possible to change the path without a full . I tried to change it in the preferences.json , but it doesnt have no effect.


Custom folder with folder.jpg

John Dunn 7 years ago updated by Marco Kalnenek 7 years ago 3

I am not sure if I am doing anything wrong or if this is even how it works as I saw a few topics on it. But I want a folder on my comic share to have a custom folder art. I made one and put it inside the folder and called it folder.jpg but it still shows the artwork from the first alphabetical

Image 388



After download a comic it can not be read

javi 7 years ago 0

Tested on android


Drobo and Ubooquity

markpaulsen 7 years ago 0

I am new to Ubooquity and trying to put the server on my drobo. Any ideas on how to achieve this? When trying to install the .jar file i get an error message that says:

The Java JAR file "Ubooquity.jar" could not be launched. Check the Console for possible error messages. 

Any ideas on how to put the server on the Drobo

Under review

Scanning stops and restarts (loop)

Caspersen 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

Hi All

I got the docker installation and the mounts working, and added +1000 Comics and Books

I have no memory limits (even if the system log says limit 512MB) and the maximum I have seen so far on my docker UI is 3,4G ram !!!

And I still get the: Java error during scan (I have read this could be related to pdf files?)

Tried setting scan to work every 3 hours and advanced setting not to delete if unavailable

But that creates random covers for books during the day, the one that work before are scanned and have no covers later

Also see this in the log file: (So any conversion of PDF files to compliant PDF files I can run?)

20180402 12:26:30 [Scanner thread] ERROR com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Failed to insert /comics/101-200/bog - Nr_104 - Noegleroman.pdf

I also get logget out again and again, I have letsencrypt certificate in place and its working just fine with reverse proxy built in to the web service, but when I look in the log file I see this:

20180402 12:23:15 [main] ERROR com.ubooquity.d.e - Provided keystore is not valid, HTTPS will NOT be activated

I think the Synology just forwards the http to https with the certificate (So I might just ignore the error).


reverseProxyPrefix: (Needs to be empty, since my reverse proxi in my Synology NAS only supports domains not a url path. But I have the green lock and the certificate in place.

Another strange thing, I created a user Henrik and in the log I see:

java.io.FileNotFoundException: Henrik (No such file or directory)

I really love the idea about having my own ebook server and love the work you have done with a clean and functional UI, but I need to keep scans, so they dont get scanned again and looses whatever was already scanned (Hope someone understands what I am trying to say :-)

Best regards




Skyler Jermyn 7 years ago updated by Tom 7 years ago 4

I'm having an issue where Ubooquity's front end search tool is generating folder results with each one of those results leading to a 404 page. The front end option "flat view" has to be in effect for this error to appear. A 404 page will no longer 404 when "folder view" is back in effect. The backend option "bypass single root folder" appears to have something to do with it as this error is only observed when that option is set to FALSE. Each of these 404ing folder results have a corresponding book result that works fine, but the two look very similar similar so it's easy to forget and end up at a 404.

I have this running on a synology. Calibre generated the folder structure in my book directory, with every author owning a separate folder. I've tried restarting my server, restarting the unbooquity process, rescanning my library, and "clearing book database" and rebuilding my book database.

A sample error is:


Problem accessing /books/1369/. Reason:

    File not found

Let me know if I should provide any more information and thank you for developing this software!


New attempt with 2.1.1 successful, but empty logfile

Claus44 7 years ago updated by Tom 7 years ago 11

Six or seven month since my first try to change from 1.10 to 2.1 is this now successful. I think, the problems in the past were the old firmware of my QNAP und too little memory for Java/Ubooquity. Now my QNAP NAS runs with firmware 4.3.3 and I have 1024 m memory reserved for Ubooquity. I have installed Java 8 64-bit and Ubooquity 2.1.1 64-bit.

But I have a very little problem:

When I click "View Logs" from Admin site, I see a blank site with following text:

Displaying the last 1000 lines of logs.

While scanning the database I saw the lines of activity. Now I have this blank site and when I look with ssh in the folder "logs" I see one empty textfile ubooquity.

I hope, someone can help me with this?

Not a bug

Latest additions works but main comics gets ERR_Connection_Refused

Andy 7 years ago updated by Tom 7 years ago 7

I've got Ubooquity loaded on an Ubuntu machine and so far It's awesome, but I can't get http://myip:2202/Comics/ to load.  Whether I use the default theme or Comixology, Latest additions open fine and even comics can be read through there but that main /comics/ folder just keeps boming out.  Any ideas?