Your comments

You did not. :)
I was asking because there was a similar problem in earlier versions of Ubooquity with JPEG files. I had to use a specific decoding library to get rid of the pink overlay that appeared for JPEG files that were using a special kind of color profile. I just wanted to be sure that this problem had not reappeared.

As for Calibre, the problem seems different (no pink overlay) and in any case the platform used for its development is not Java but Python. It probably has something to do with color profiles, but I can't be of any help (I have no knowledge of Python).
It reminds me of this problem.

I don't know yet if I can find a solution as the problem might come from a linux environment issue (file names encoded in a different charset than the one your system uses), but I'll work on it and let you know if I find one.
I have been able to reproduce the bug with PNG having an alpha channel. Thanks for the very accurate description by the way, it helps a lot.
I'll try to find a way to fix it.

As far as I know the bug only exists for PNG files. If you have this problem with other formats, please let me know (Jim, your problem is with Ubooquity or with Calibre ?).
Bug reproduced on my side. I'll fix it before the next release.
Thanks for pointing it out !
Here is the promised test version.

The hostname can be forced using the new "-host" command line argument, e.g:

java -jar Ubooquity.jar -host
Let me know if it helps solving your problem.
Dual pages currently have no special treatment. So for them the display problem is more a lack of feature than a bug.

I'll resume investigating the problem asap, but I have planned to rewrite the online reader from scratch anyway.
So there will be a solution, either with a quick bug fix or (perhaps more likely) when the new online reader is ready.
I'll take a look at the lines you pasted first. Might take a while though...