Your comments

Well the cookie should expire after 30 days, but I realized there might be a bug there as my browser indicates that the cookie will expire at the end of my session. I'll investigate.
In any case, there is a server side check which forces you to reenter your credentials at least every 30 days.

These are arbitrary values that can easily be made configurable if needed. Just let me know if you have specific needs.
These errors happen when the browser abruptly closes the connection. It can happen for a lot of reasons, but is not necessarily indicative of a problem (for instance, you get it when you cancel a download).

As for the icon, this is something I'll address when I revamp the online reader. It won't happen that quickly as I have some other tasks to complete first, but it's definitely on the list.
Bug found (stupid one, inherited from the first C# version of Ubooquity). It'll be fixed in the next version.
What I meant is that I don't know if some specific system directories have special access rights and if "Macintosh HD" could be one of them (apparently not).

Anyway, the problem exists on Linux as well. So I'll be able to investigate and fix it.
This bug is specific to the "raw files" section ("comics" and "books" are not affected).
I found the problem for the logs. It'll be fixed in the next release (and I'll update the FAQ then).
In the meantime your logs will still be written in the folder from which you launch Ubooquity (which is, as explained earlier, not necessarily the one containing Ubooquity.jar).

To sum up: notwithstanding the log location bug I just mentionned, Ubooquity "lives" in only one directory where it writes everything (logs, database, settings, cached files, theme folder...). This directory is the working directory. By default this is the one where you are when you launch Java. You can override it with the "user.dir" setting.
I reproduced the problem you have with the logs.