Your comments

A bit harder to do, but manageable. The feature is still quite far away though, as I have quite a few things to fix/develop first (and sooooo little time).
I'll work on it, but I can't say when it'll be done.
That's not possible at the moment.

The scan is triggered by the call of an URL (when using the web admin), so technically you might think about using a command line tool like curl to call it. The problem is that launching a scan is an administrator action, so you have to be identified, which means providing a cookie with the token generated by the server when you logged in. Quite complex and not realistically usable as the token has to be preiodically regenerated.

Is there a specific reason you need command line triggered scan ? Usually setting the autoscan period to the minimum (15 min) does the job, as the scanning process is really inexpensive (as long as no new file has been added).
I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "external broadcast". Ubooquity does not broadcasts anything, it just opens a socket to the port specified in the preferences and answer requests.

There is one thing though: Ubooquity does its binding using a "wildcard" hostname, meaning it will listen to all available network interfaces. I suppose this might cause problem when other processes try to use the same port on one specific interface.

Do you think this way of opening the socket might have something to do with your problem ? If so, I could give you a test version with an option to explicitely configure the network interface Ubooquity has to bind itself to.
I still think you can already extract this information from the log file quite easily.
For me its a matter of prioritization, I already have a lot of improvements to do on Ubooquity (just take a look at the threads of this forum, some items have been planned for more than 6 months) and user activity tracking is quite peripheral to its main purpose.
Thanks. And the problem is the same on both device ?
Could you open this page in the browser you use to read comics and paste the information you got here ?
It's not planned as ebooks and comics are processed quite differently by Ubooquity. So I'd rather not mix the two (the only exception being PDF files, but even there, two different rendering engines are used depending on the section you put your files into).
The workaround is to share your epub comics in the book section.
The comics cover size setting does not have anything to do with the size of the page in the online reader. So I'm surprized modifying on has an impact on the other.

Would you be able to attach a screenshot or two of your problem ? (on which reading device do you have the problem ?)

For now the page is reduced to the width of your screen, but there are no advanced options yet. It's on the todo list.