Your comments

Couldn't have given a better answer.

The hard (and Seagate specific) part will be to find out if (and how) you can install Java.
Once this is done, Ubooquity will almost certainly be able to run.

Not knowing anything about Seagate NAS, I won't be able to help you more.
It's technically feasible, but why don't you run Ubooquity from the directory where you want it to store the caches and database file ?
Yes, I don't have the problem anymore.
(title edited, by the way)
That's because the regular expression has to match the whole path, not only the folder name (not very intuitive, I agree, but necessary so that you can precisely define which folders you want to exclude in complex cases).

In your case, something like ".*.AppleDouble" (without the quotes) should work.
(there is probably a cleaner regexp for this one, but I'm not a regexp expert)

Let me know if the problem persists.
I'll keep this idea for when I start working on the online reader again. It's a good one.
You have to use Java regular expressions (which are very close to regular expressions used in many other languages).
Here is the detailed definition of regexps in Java :
Here is a tool to easily test your expressions:

It works much better. :)
I have a small problem with comics having long metadata though:

The default theme just hides overflowing text:

And an idea: since this thread is the place people will come to download your theme, perhaps you could edit the first post (and change its title with the name of the theme) and put the latest download link at the top of the thread.
I did not see the delay in Chrome nor in Firefox (both on Windows 7).
No idea what your problem could be.