Your comments

When I developped the reverse proxy feature, I tested it with the following Nginx config:
server {
listen 80;
location /bbb/ {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
} }
My Ubooquity server was running on "", configured with the reverse proxy string "bbb".
With this configuration, all request made to the Nginx server on port 80 were redirected to Ubooquity.

Let me know if you need more details.

Hidea, the "font" directory in your archive is empty. Is it intentional ?
Scrollbars already appear automatically when the description is too long, but the comic details window is allowed to have a height of up to 900 pixels until they do.

Having a better usability on small screens (especially mobile ones) is something I plan to do. I don"t know exactly when though.
In the meantime you can try the user created themes (see the "theme" section on Ubooquity website), perhaps they will behave better on small screens.
Ouch, I made a mistake saving this field as an integer whereas the ComicInfo XSD allowed any string of characters.
The bad news is, a fix will require a full rescan for everybody when it is released.
I have to think about it.

Thanks for pointing it out anyway.
The best I can provide is this script.
You can also try to follow the links in the FAQ where people explain how they managed to install Ubooquity on different devices.
Not a problem. :)