Your comments

Do you have the 1 second delay on font stored locally or on front downloaded from an external server (e.g. Google fonts) ?

As for the error in the console: from what I understand of Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, the HTTP header allowing the access has to come from the server hosting the font, not from Ubooquity server. So there is nothing I can do here. Let me know if I missed something.
Good point, I'll have the "-headless" parameter to automatically set the "java.awt.headless" flag so that you don't need to add it manually.
I tried to reproduce the problem o nmy Raspberry Pi (under Raspbian), but to no avail.

And since the "Set password" button just takes you to the "/admin" page (it doesn't do anything complex), I still haven't a clue as to why you have this problem.

Could you describe the setup in which you reproduced it ? (browser, operating system, device...)
Unfortunately you found all the available documentation. I try to give some explanation when I add a feature (and each advanced option has a small description in the user interface), but I know a more detailed documentation could be useful.
The problem of course is the time to write it.

For now the best way to get information is to ask question in this forum. Answers (given by me or other users) will stay available and be useful to others. Not a doc but the next best thing.
Bug found. I'll try to fix it and release a new version this week-end.
Thanks for pointing it out.
Thanks !
On which kind of device are you running your server ? (hardware and OS)