Your comments

Unless Chrome has some sort of auto-refresh mechanism, keeping a tab open on Ubooquity won't do anything as the communication only happens when you are downloading something (the page, a file, an image...).
Once the page is displayed, the server (Ubooquity) does not know anything about the state of your browser.

I'd be interested in seeing the log files of Ubooquity for the period containing the shutdown (as a lot af things are logged when Ubooquity starts and stops).
You can send them to: tom 'at' vaemendis 'dot' net
That's a lot of requests. ;)
Here are my thoughts:

  • "cover.jpg": should be easy enough, makes sense -> I'll try to do it
  • Title change: will be possible if I decide to use full HTML templates instead of simple CSS themes -> I don't know yet if this will happen.
  • Publisher in ComicInfo: it would entail a database structure change and a manfatory full rescan for everybody -> not likely to happen until I have another structure modification to do.
  • Subfolders sharings: if you mean sharing subfolders of already shared folders, it won't happen. User access would be a nightmare to manage.
  • User quotas: too specific (by that I mean very few people would use it), probably won't do it.
  • Server stats: nice but very low priority
  • Some stats on web home page: why not.
  • Series aggregation on recent additions page: too specific
The CSS you wrote is very likely to be correct, but you can't server custom fonts with Ubooquity 1.7.0.
I'll have to do a few modifications so that Ubooquity can serve font files in additions to the other theme files.

In the meantime, if you want to use custom fonts anyway, you can active the "Raw files" sharing, share your font files this way and include the corresponding URL in your CSS. Quite ugly but it should work.
Ok. I'll tag this topic as "not a bug" then.
But if you find anything new that might help to understand the cause of the problem, feel free to post here and we'll work on it again.
This bug will be fixed in the next release.
Thanks for reporting it.
I have a similar setup (HTPC under Win 7) except for my files which I stored locally instead of being on another computer.

I suspect the problem might come from the mapped drive although I don't know exactly why. I suppose the drive letter stays the same (otherwise a complete rescan is a normal behavior as files are identified by their path).

If you're interested, I can build a specific debug version for your problem (which would log exactly what happens during the scan so that we can understand why Ubooquity thinks the files have disappeared).