Your comments

Yes Google fonts will work as they are not provided by the Ubooquity server but directly by the Google servers.

I have included the modification to allow fonts in theme in the next version (which is a few days away). I even allowed "eot" fonts, although I stringly discourage their use as they are only supported by IE.
Can't say exactly when the next version will be release (I'll try to relase a minor one in a week or two), but it will include a new attribute on entries that contain the current folder content:

<title>Files in current folder (34)</title>
<content type="html"></content>
<link type="application/atom+xml; profile=opds-catalog; kind=acquisition" rel="subsection"
href="/opds-comics/293/?displayFiles=true" pse:current-folder-content="true"/>

Let me know if you want something different.
Like I said in my email, I did not find anything in the logs. Sorry.
I quickly tried Challenger Viewer in folder mode but I was not able to reproduce the problem.
Anyway I would not have been able to do anything as I am not the author of this viewer. You should contact him directly.