Your comments

To find a fix I would need to know what the problem is.

Unfortunately I have no idea as I haven't been able to reproduce the problem on my side.

The only difference between local network and a remote access is (obviously) the network.

I still don't see how Ubooquity could "know" the difference.

The only case of corrupted zip file that I have seen in the past is for files over 2 GB (there is a thread about this problem in this forum somewhere). Other than that, there is no reason the file should be corrupted, they are sent "as they are" over the network.

My guess would be that you have an network or OS issue somewhere.

Does your browser accept cookies ? Ubooquity relies on cookies for security, if they are blocked you won't be able to use it.

I have added the ability to mix files and folders (instead of displaying folders first) to my backlog. I don't know when I'll do it though.

Hello, this is not planned at the moment.

See this discussion.

Bottom line is that the scanning process is almost "free" in terms of CPU and memory cost when no new file is added, so doing it every 15 min should cover all use cases.

If they are cbz/cbr, they are comics, no ?

Why not share them as comics instead of ebooks ?

(you can share the same folder twice, once in each section)