
[Feature Request] Go to next comic

Hayden Jones 10 years ago updated by Pierre-Yves Bouvier 5 years ago 12
When using the web reader, the ability to "go to next" would be great.
for example; On the last page when you click the "next" button it would load the next comic.


Comixology Theme V2 finally released!

Scott (ScooterPSU) 6 years ago updated 3 years ago 542

It's been a long time coming, but I've finally got the new version of my theme in a form I feel comfortable to release.

It's a massive overhaul from the last version, with a lot of style/feature upgrades. The top-page navigation is all added via jQuery, so it persists across pages. The below text (Comics > Publishers, etc), if not on a folder-info.htm page, is generated on-the-fly.

is the page with the new theme, an updated PageBuilder if you're using it from the previous theme, and some example series and story arc pages (the story arc example supports George Baker's json.cbr files).

Here is an album of how it currently looks.

I'm linking rather than embedding since I won't be able to edit this post later. I'll keep the Github page updated with new features and the album with new images. My goal is to also use the Github wiki to demonstrate how to configure all the extra features.

All theme settings are saved in the themeScript.js, though it should work fine without changing anything. Enjoy!

Under review

Can we just have some thanks for Tom for the new version (2.1.2)?

Timmo 6 years ago updated by bollings 6 years ago 10

There are a lot of requests and complaints. Ubooquity isn't some massive Apple sized corporation, it's just Tom in his spare time. People sometimes forget this.  Tom has released a new version (2.1.2). Please be polite and say thanks. He works in his spare time on it when he could be doing something else.

I've donated to the project to say thanks. Maybe you should too if you get value out of the product.


write read states to metadata files (comic and books alike)

Are Finstad 10 years ago updated by Ryan Brain 7 years ago 21
wish that Ubooquity saved the read state of the comics/books we read into the metadata files itself. that way we will always be in sync with ComicRack and such as read states would cross over, if you read something in CR it will reflect in Ubooquity and vice versa (mainly this one for my usage)

would be great to be able to read whatever with Ubooquity when you are on the move and dont have access to CR freely and the read states would be saved in the cbz files we have so when we return to CR or whatever place we choose to read more it will know our read state.

your server program can already read CR supported metadata, why not read states and let it update read states aswell for us.

just started to use your program and i love it so far as it just opens up the sharing in a much easier way than CR does it.

[2.0] add unread tag on overview and on each comic

Madrox 8 years ago updated by Elouan 7 years ago 3

now that we have bookmarks on the serverside it would be great to not only show the number of comics in a folder but also how many of them are unread.

also showing an unread symbol at each comic that hasn't been read would be cool.

Under review

Ubooquity V3, beta version

Tom 1 year ago updated by Gary 3 days ago 56

Just a heads-up. 

The first beta version of Ubooquity V3 is quite close to being ready. I wanted to finish and release it before the end of summer (technically September 21st), but I won't: my PC died a week ago and the replacement parts I received today did not solve the issue.

No data was lost, but this means I have to properly diagnose the issue and replace what needs to be replaced before I can resume working on Ubooquity. 

The consequence is that the probable release date of this beta version has shifted to October/November.


epub reader

nxmehta 10 years ago updated by Steven Strauss 9 years ago 22
It would be great if we could actually read epub files inside of Ubooquity instead of just being able to download them.

There is a nice, open source library for viewing epub files in a browser: https://github.com/futurepress/epub.js/

Perhaps that could be integrated into Ubooquity?

Open Souorce Ubooquity?

Mårten Woxberg 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 14
The last time you adresed thjis was 6 years ago. You stated then that when you became "bored" you'd maybe Open Source the project.
The last release of Ubooquity was 2018-10-14. It's been 4 years without releases.

I for one would like for Ubooquity to read ComicInfo.xml files that are side-cared but that doesn't seem to be an option,
and adding new features is impossible when the project isn't open source.
Under review

Kuboo - Ubooquity Client for Android

Seth Chhim 7 years ago updated 4 years ago 62

Image 409

Hello, I'm back with a refactor of my Android work. I decided to rebrand (Kotlin + Ubooquity = Kuboo). This time the project is a more modular build and also fully open sourced available on Github. I am getting more comfortable with Kotlin and I hope it shows here with many performance improvements and bug fixes.

Give it a try if you would like! Post any bugs or requests on Github Issues, not this thread please.




Plex Based Theme

FinalAngel 7 years ago updated by flyboy65 5 years ago 21

Hello everyone, I've created a theme based on the popular Plex Media Server. It's still work in progress but works already pretty well. You can download it from GitHub. Here some screenshots:Image 394

Image 395

Image 396

Image 398