Your comments


Did you encounter any issue related to this ?

I have not been able to reproduce the issue either (tested with latest Chrome, 70.0.3538.102, on Win 10).

The only thing I can think of is a proxy that would mess with the HTTP headers.
But that's weird.

There is no todo list.

Only the Ever Increasing Soul Crushing Backlog of Despair. ;)

Point 2 (reading progression save) is already implemented.

If you open a comic or book you already begun to read with the online reader, it should open at the page you left.

If it doesn't work this way for Praveen, then there is a problem. But without more details (errors in the logs, specific setup...) I can't investigate.

Thanks for the feedback.

I have updated the file on the webiste (line separators were CRLF instead of LF), no point in having a bash script with Windows line separators.

I tested the files you sent me and reproduced your problem.

They trigger an infinite loop (hence the scan hang) in the library used by Ubooquity to unrar the files. This loop is a consequences of a few fixes I had applied to this library.

After reverting to the "official" Junrar version, the scan doesn't hang anymore (although the files can't be read either, there is definitely something wrong with them).

So I'll go back to the "official" Junrar in the next release as I can't control the consequences of the modifications I applied (I did not write them myself so I won't maintain them).

If the solution provided by TierParkToni doesn't work, upload them somewhere and send me the link, I'll take a look.

tom at vaemendis dot net

Still many months away.