Your comments

Hello Peter,

do you have any error in the logs when that happens ?

Hello Praveen,

Ubooquity tracks the last page you read for a given book.

By default the page number is stored on the server.

But there is an option in the "Advanced" tab of the administration settings that allows you to have the page number stored in a cookie (so in the browser instead of on the server).

Both should work (although the cookie option doesn't work if you use different browser or devices, obviously).

If you have any idea as how to describe you issue with a bit more details, it might give me a lead as to why the feature doesn't work in your case.

Hello Jbugman,

What kind of theme do you have in mind ?

You can already theme Ubooquity with custom CSS and image.

If you mean full HTML structure theming, that is still in development but will definitely be part of one of the next releases as I will rely on it to modify the UI myself to add read/unread support on books.

Hi Frédéric,

1) I still plan to add a way to "plug" external PDF renderers to Ubooquity since I still haven't found a free Java library that is as efficient as tools like MuPDF or Poppler. But this feature is not at the top of my list yet (although it's not that far from the top), so it won't be implement very soon.

2) I don't have a complete understanding of the encoding issue you have encountered (as you can gather from the different threads about encoding on this forum), but what I'm sure of is that the encoding setting impacts the entire Java process (meaning all parts of Ubooquity), so there is no way to use it only for PDF related tasks.

The problem with encoding issues is that they are hard to reproduce on my side as they depend on your OS, your OS settings, the way you launch your JVM (the Java runtime) and the way your book files were written.

Thanks for the nice words everyone. :)

For reference, the Junrar version used in Ubooquity 2.1.2 is now this one:

(latest junrar/junrar version with my fix on top)

It's not that easy to do. Like I said, Ubooquity has been designed to work with files. What you propose is to "mount" a zip as you would mount any other filesystem.

It would entail too many modifications in my code.

By the way, all book and comics formats are already compressed (a lot of them are already zip files named differently). Storing a lot of them in a big zip file will not save much space.

Hello Probity,

I haven't been able to find much information about flibusta or inpx files (all the pages were in Russian, a language I can't read).

But in any case, Ubooquity has been designed around the concept of one file per book. So unless you can convert your library into individual (epub/PDF/...) files, using Ubooquity for your library will not be possible.

Thanks, I'll get it.

If the problem is the version of RAR (5) though, there is no solution in sight as junrar does not support it: