Your comments

Could you send it to me as well ?

It will be useful for testing Junrar versions.

Hi Bollings,

Yes, the project is still alive !

I know it's been a while since I released a version.

There are several reasons for that, the youngest of these being just over one year old. ;)

The main feature I want to add for now is the display of the reading status for books and comics (unread, in progress, finished). For that I have to modify the user interface a bit.

So I decided to change the way pages are rendered (using templates instead of code) and implement full pages themes (allowing the theming of the HTML structure, not just CSS and image).

It's been a bit dull and painful to do, hence the lack of release for a long time.

I don't know when the next one will be (I stopped giving estimates a long time ago), but I'd like to be done with this one to be able to go back to a more regular release period.

So yes, still working on it !

I'm glad you could solve your issue.

Out of curiosity, did you have some OutOfMemoryError messages in your logs when the problem was happening ?

Did this problem happen several times ?

Well, this new Junrar version will fix some issues at least (I am now able to read some files that resulted in errors before), so it is worth the change anyway.

(although I would prefer people completely stopping using RAR files, but that's another story ;))

I forked this repo two months ago and applied a few fixes provided by a friend of mine who uses it as well.

Now I have to find the time to finish the content I want to put in the next version and release it.

(and I should rebase my fork code as development has resumed since I forked it apparently)

Thanks for the info, I appreciate this kind of help ! :)

Very nice !

I've started working with Kotlin too (on backend applications though, not on Android) and I plan to gradually convert Ubooquity to it.

I know the reading order of mangas, I have read a lot myself. :)

But cliking the right arrow to go to the next page never bothered me.

I'll add this feature in the backlog.

Could you describe what is missing ?

(As you can already choose the reading direction when splitting pages)