
[Consequence] Set cache / thumbnail folder

Matthew Sanders 9 years ago updated by Tom 9 years ago 19
Tom, Ubooquity saves its thumbnail cache and books / comics database within the directory from which Ubooquity is ran.

On NAS systems and other environments with small OS partitions Ubooquity quickly fills up the entire partition.

Please add the capability to set where to save the thumbnail cache and database. On my system Synology auto-partitions the OS to 2.3GB and it has been filled by Ubooquity generated files. If I could set the cache to a different partition this problem would be solved.

Detailed documentation?

John Pasula 9 years ago updated by Tom 9 years ago 4
Hey folks - when I click on documentation at the top of the page I'm directed to:

I know there's at least one other page detailing Calibre support, however is there anything more?  I'm wondering what the advanced options are for example, how to set the server up with https, etc.

Ability to remove comics from the Latest Addtions page

Jason Jones 8 years ago updated by Tom 8 years ago 1

I am constantly renaming files/folders or moving books around in my collection and any time a change is detected it re-adds the book or worse, every book in the folder to the Latest Additions list. It would be nice to have the option to be able to remove books like this from the Latest Additions list so only the true Latest Additions are showing.


OPDS doesn't work with reverse proxy

Jeremy Bone 9 years ago updated by Tom 9 years ago 8
As title says, OPDS doesn't seem to work correctly when reverse proxy is enabled in Ubooquity. I can browse and view comics from the webpage fine, but when using OPDS (with Chunky comic reader) it doesn't work correctly. The folders and files are displayed, but when attempting to stream a comic, it says "Could not open file." Downloading also fails. After disabling reverse proxy, it begins working again.

Customizing Themes with css

James Williams 8 years ago updated by Scott (ScooterPSU) 8 years ago 12

In the same sense that the folder-info.html adds custom info at the top of the page, is there a way to add a custom CSS file into each folder. Just so we can have specific styling's for each folder. Like an all red background for just the marvel pages (like below) etc.

Image 61

Maybe this is already something that we can do.. i don't know. Just think i would be pretty cool to be able to customize to this level.


How to redirect :2022 to /library Nginx

Dallen Bishop 8 years ago updated by Daniel 1 year ago 17

I have tried everything that I find yet it doesn't want to work whether Nginx doesn't want to let style-sheets to pass through or it gives me a 502 bad gateway error that I can't fix. Here is my current Nginx config for Ubooquity. I can access Ubooquity through :2022 and it is configured for HTTPS.

location /library {


proxy_set_header Host $host;



OPDS mixed catalog / content feeds

Chunky 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 11
OPDS doesn't want you to mix acquisition links (ie. comics) and catalog links (ie. subfolders) in the same catalog, which is a bit sucky for browsing because Ubooquity has to add a 'comics in this folder' subfolder, instead of letting you see the comics mixed in with the subfolders as users might expect.
If you somehow flagged the 'comics in this folder' link, clients could know that the contents of that link belong mixed into the current feed. I guess a new boolean attribute that applies only to acquisition links would do the trick, but it could also be something more informal like a query parameter in the link's href.

Native Android Client

Charlie Jordan 9 years ago updated by svin83 6 years ago 5
Access via web is fine for PC viewing, but can be problematic when on Android smartphone or tablet, especially when browsing the library.  Page resizing can cause buttons to jump around and suddenly become inaccessible.

With an Android client (or IOS, for that matter), we could eliminate these issues.  A native client could also autodetect a Ubooquity server on the network, similar to Plex.

Time out session

Fredi Diaz 9 years ago updated by Tom 9 years ago 2

I was just wondering if the Ubooquity server has an internal time out when you are logged into an account? Or is there a way to have you logged in permenantely?

Thank you for this great project!
Under review

Scanning a large library seems to time out

James Richardson 9 years ago updated by Jake Glashofer 7 years ago 14
I may be an edge case, here, but my comics collection is somewhere just north of 700gb. I have things organized (painstakingly) by publisher, and I have noticed that the server app seems to stop scanning about a quarter of the way through the source folder. I've set the automatic scan period out to a week and left it alone, but it appears to stall or stop scanning before it can complete the initial scan. As a result, I expect, the scan starts over from scratch when the scan period starts over. Right now, I have access to a fraction of my collection through the public IP, but would love to see the rest in the browser.

Would it be possible to run multiple instances of Ubooquity to divide the workload and access the collection as smaller libraries? Is there a setting I am missing? Thanks for the help.