
Can we install ubooquity server on virtual machine vmware?

HAMDAN HASSAN 9 years ago updated by Tom 9 years ago 2

Help with OS X

Rich 9 years ago updated by Matthew Sanders 9 years ago 4
I'm trying to run in OS X 10.10.5. Says unable to open check console....message in console is 8/30/15 8:16:37.236 PM java[15614]: com.apple.message.domain: com.apple.java.usage.CommandLine.java
com.apple.message.domain.version: 1.6.0_65-b14-466.1-11M4716
com.apple.message.signature: com.apple.javajdk16.cmd / com.ubooquity.Launcher
com.apple.message.signature2: com.ubooquity.Launcher
com.apple.message.signature3: CommandLine.java
com.apple.message.result: noop
SenderMachUUID: 70986A2F-9C96-354C-9E45-4A67B38D2F16
Any help would be great

Database - download it to use it in another situation

christophe B 8 years ago updated by Elouan 7 years ago 7


is it possible to access the database of the comic ? if yes how ?

i want to use it

first to have a list of files (so a list of my collection) in excel




Frank Denner 9 years ago updated by Tom 8 years ago 9
Is possible to have for admin who is connect who have read

thx for all


Bill Curran 9 years ago updated by Tom 9 years ago 2
I can access Ubooquity via it's IP address on the web, but I've had no luck accessing it by it's FQDN (fully qualified domain name). Is this on purpose? I'm on a dynamic IP at home and want to access it during slow times at my business or remotely on my phone no matter where I am. If I can access ONLY by IP, I'll have to check it constantly. But via a DynDNS account I should be able to access it easily via FQND no matter how often the IP changes.Am I doing something wrong? Is this by design? Is this a feature request I'm now making?

Ubooquity will not go fullscreen on mobile browsers

gilgamex 9 years ago updated by Tom 9 years ago 4
I cannot get Ubooquity to go fullscreen on any browser on either Android or IOS. I have tried Chrome on both platforms, Safari on IOS.

Other websites allow for fullscreen, but for some inexplicable reason Ubooquity will not allow the address bar to go away.

It's a shame because who wants to look at the address bar when reading comics or books.

Sorting comics starting with "Â"

Emmanuel 9 years ago updated by Tom 9 years ago 6
I have a comic starting with the letter "Â". It is sorted in Ubooquity after the letter "Z". Is this normal behavior or a bug?

Reverse Proxy

Christophe Pecquerie 9 years ago updated by Tom 9 years ago 3
I've tested the reverse proxy feature with nginx without any success.
Could you share a sample config?

Hard times with public network

Peebee's Testpage 8 years ago updated by Tom 8 years ago 22

I'm on a Mac with Ubooquity working fine locally.

To share the server with people, I want to have it work externally.

I tried everything in router, firewall, etc. Nothing is working and the public address given by ubooquity is strange. It doesn't correspond to my public ip. Where does this address comes from?


Bonjour support

Chunky 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 14
It'd be cool if Ubooquity advertised it's OPDS feeds via Bonjour (aka DNS service discovery); it's a small thing but it would smooth the setup process for users a tiny bit.

I'm not sure if other apps use it but mine (Chunky reader) looks for the service identifier "_opds._tcp."