
list of genres, titles, authors

angobango 5 years ago updated by Tom 5 years ago 1


i love ubooquity so far!

i am organizing and tagging my collection and have to put more than 10k books in my library. so i thought it would presumably be sort of difficult for someone to navigate through all the files and explore what's in it.

is there a chance to get a list of e.g. all available genres in the library and show only the books containing this tag, when clicking on a specific genre? i mean something like a menue 'Discover' and then it shows three lists, for the available genres, titles and authors, sorted alphabetically.

i'm aware that they can simply search for a genre to get the exact same results, but sometimes you're not looking for something specific and would rather prefer to see an overview what's in it and then choose something from the offered items. 

if you could implement something like that it would be great!



Under review

"Bypass single root folder" option breaks page when using reverse proxy with SSL

Alpe 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 8

Page is served on https via reverse proxy. With this option set, the following happen:
- Open page with only one folder

- Receive a 302 html code redirecting the page (as expected), but to http instead of https.


Use letsencrypt wildcard with ubooquity

Dennis Slagers 5 years ago 0

Today I tried to use a wildcard letsencrypt certificate with ubooquity but with the manuals provided I got an SSL error.

So I dug into some other stuff I had lying around and came up with following

step 1

openssl pkcs12 -export -in /export/certificate/domainname.cer -inkey /export/certificate/domainname.key -out /home/comics/keystore.p12 -name ubooquity
-CAfile /export/certificate/fullchain.cer -caname root

Step 2

keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass password -destkeypass password -destkeystore /home/comics/keystore -srckeystore keystore.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -alias ubooquity

When asked for a password enter a password you have used before in these lines. You need this later as well when removing or recreating a keystore

now you are ready to enter the keystore info in the config of ubooquity


and enter the password

in the log you will see SSL is enabled

com.ubooquity.d.e - HTTPS activated
20181112 22:14:51 [Thread-18] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server - jetty-9.4.0.v20161208
20181112 22:14:51 [Thread-18] INFO o.e.j.server.handler.ContextHandler - Started o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler@17549ad2{/,null,AVAILABLE,@admin}
20181112 22:14:51 [Thread-18] INFO o.e.j.server.handler.ContextHandler - Started o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler@3affabdb{/,null,AVAILABLE,@library}
20181112 22:14:51 [Thread-18] INFO o.e.jetty.util.ssl.SslContextFactory - x509=X509@2142c9e8(ubooquity,h=[],w=[aroundtheworld.net]) for SslContextFactory@527618b1(file:///home/dennis/comics/keystore,null)
20181112 22:14:51 [Thread-18] INFO o.e.jetty.server.AbstractConnector - Started library@11f693b3{SSL,[ssl, http/1.1]}{}
20181112 22:14:51 [Thread-18] INFO o.e.jetty.server.AbstractConnector - Started admin@7e136c36{SSL,[ssl, http/1.1]}{}
20181112 22:14:51 [Thread-18] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server - Started @461079ms

if this is not working, modify the json to remove the keystore info and restart to go back to http

Maybe this can be helpful for some

btw I do not do scripting as I need to manually adjust stuff in my VM's ;-)

Under review

Feature Request: Comicrack Bookmark API

rupp 6 years ago updated by Tom 5 years ago 6

First of all thank you for developing this awesome piece of software and providing it to us all!

I have a feature request, concerning the comicrack metadata of the cbr/cbz files.

Those files do not only contain metadata in general about the comic, but it's also possible to add specific data about a page in the comic. The most interesting of those is the 'bookmark' tag, please do not confuse this with your 'continue reading' feature. It is used for marking certain pages with names, mostly for chapterization, but also for marking certain parts like the table of contents etc.

Those informations could be interesting for skipping to certain parts of a comic, so I think it would be great to make them available via some interface.

For a documentation on how this looks inside the comicinfo.xml, you can refer to this page


however it should be added that there can be more page specific info, so there may be some pages present in the xml that don't have any ninformation for the server.

Also, as a more general idea, I think such a feature exists for any book format you support on your server (ebooks, pdf etc, at least my kindle and adobe seem to recognize some breakpoints), so maybe a universal API  for that could be interesting, but this is far beyond my request and interest.


japanese comics / manga page navigation

David 6 years ago updated by Tom 6 years ago 2


I am wondering if it's possible to add support for easier navigation between chapters of the same comic. This is especially an annoyance for japanese manga which I scan and organize in the same way they are released, which is by chapter rather than volumes (complete books). This means that every 15 to 20 pages of reading forces me to exit the "book" and select the next one. Some titles have hundreds of chapters so this really breaks the flow when deciding to binge read a series.

I think the most convenient would be simply to proceed to page 1 of the next comic. For example in the following directory structure:

- manga

-- example_manga_1

--- example_manga 001.cbz

--- example_manga 002.cbz

--- example_manga 003.cbz

-- example_manga_2

--- example_manga_2 001.cbz

--- example_manga_2 002.cbz

let's say each 001.cbz contains 20 pages, instead of blocking at page 20 of 001.cbz, clicking the arrow to the next page would proceed to page 1 of 002.cbz.

This may not be desired for traditional western comics or books however so maybe only have it as a on/off option per root directory under the comics admin page?

Thanks for the consideration.


Pre-Load / Load entire magazine into memory as allowed

Anthony Reinking 7 years ago updated by Tom 6 years ago 3

I have 128GB Ram on my computer that I read magazines on. But Ubooquity does not continue loading the magazine as I'm reading...it only loads a few pages at a time.

Is there a setting where I can increase how much memory it uses? Or would you add this as a feature please.

Thank you for the amazing application!


[2.0.2] reverse proxy for admin page

Jim Howe 7 years ago updated by byeuji mod 1 year ago 16

Hello, I am having a similar issue as here.  I have just started playing with 2.0.2 and use Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu) for reverse proxy.  I have no problem navigating the normal library and admin pages on the local network on ports 2202 and 2203 respectively.  On the Advanced tab in the Admin section I have configured Ubooquity to use the reverseproxy prefix "newsstand"  From then on, I could still connect to both library and admin pages through their respective ports with the prefix "newsstand" and "newsstand/admin" respectively:

http://IPAddress:2202/newsstand = library pages

http://IPAddress:2203/newsstand/admin = admin pages 

However, with this new scheme where the admin pages must be accessed by a different port than the library pages while they both share the same reverseproxy prefix, it appears to throw either apache or my understanding out of whack.

If I set apache to handle it like this:

ProxyPass /newsstand http://localhost:2202/newsstand
ProxyPassReverse /newsstand http://localhost:2202/newsstand
ProxyPass /newsstand/admin http://localhost:2203/newsstand/admin
ProxyPassReverse /newsstand/admin http://localhost:2203/newsstand/admin

I can successfully navigate the library pages fine from https://mydomain.net/newsstand.  However, when I hit https://mydomain.net/newsstand/admin, it simply shoots me into the library pages and will not open the admin pages.

If I try to make a change to another prefix in apache for the admin pages with something like this:

ProxyPass /admin http://localhost:2203/newsstand/admin
ProxyPassReverse /admin http://localhost:2203/newsstand/admin

The I go to https://mydomain.net/admin, I get a text page like this:

Administrator authentication
Password                        Remember me

Log in

I can type in my password and hit enter but nothing happens.  I think this is due to the reverseproxy Ubooquity config mismatching what I have for it in Apache.

I know I am probably missing something here, but this wasn't an issue when both the site and admin pages were configured on the same port.  With them split apart it seems to me they should each have their own reverseproxy prefix to keep them from stepping on each other.  Otherwise, I hope someone can tell me what I am doing wrong with my apache configuration.

Thanks for your time!

Under review

Materialized theme for Ubooquity

SwedishGojira 7 years ago updated by Anthony Frandsen 1 year ago 48

Here is my new theme for Ubooquity that I call "Materialized".

It is meant to mimic the material design look of Google, but with some small adjustments to fit my taste and sticking to the limits of theming the underlying code from the Ubooquity server itself.

I have made this mainly for my own use and it is using alot of hacky CSS to make it work and look the way I like it on my computers and my Android tablet. I was inspired by the "material-custom" theme that you may have seen before and kept some of the colors, but other than that this theme is lightyears ahead and most of the code and styling has changed.

This is meant for the 2.0.2 beta version of Ubooquity!
I have only tested it in the latest desktop versions of Firefox, Chrome and Safari and mobile versions of Firefox and Chrome on Android 7. I am not officially supporting any MS-browsers or old versions of the ones mentioned above.

The theme is 99% vectorized and only have two forced bitmap-images because of how Ubooquity works. If you know a little bit about CSS you can also customize the colors and effects of the theme by adjusting the file '/css/custom.css' to suit your needs.

See this as a kind of "beta" as I will probably do adjustments to the code even after this initial release. I already know it is not super great on phones yet, but that is probably my next step, and could use some javascript (see the next paragraph...)

If you have any experience with javascript please let me know. I know CSS, PHP and bash but have no knowhow of javascript at all and I have a few things I was hoping to be able to go around using javascript because I can not do so via CSS alone.

Download here: http://www.svalas.net/materialized-1.0.zip

Image 235

Image 236

Image 237

Image 238

Image 239

Image 243

Image 241

Image 240

Image 242

Image 244


[2.0.2] How to change admin password in admin interface

Matthieu 7 years ago updated by Tom 7 years ago 4

Hi Tom,

I could not find a way to change the admin password in the admin interface.

(Which is preventing me to give you temporary access for the pdf thumbnails issue).

Is-it me not looking at the right place, or is-it missing in the admin panel?




[ 2.0 ] Install Ubooquity 2 in docker

zer 7 years ago updated by pes65 7 years ago 35

Hi there,

For all docker addicts, I wrote a docker file and docker-compose one to install Ubooquity v2.

They are accessible here : https://github.com/zerpex/ubooquity-docker

With default parameters, Ubooquity is available through :


Admin page : http://your-ip:55604/admin

Enjoy :)