
Scan Missing large number of files

Hobo Goblin 5 years ago 0


I've had Ubooquity running fine for 6 months or so, it's gone down several times, both planned and unplanned and always come back up just fine. 

The other day my file server got disconnected and as the ubooquity data dirs were mounted there through CIFS in fstab ubooquity couldn't find the files. I didn't realize the file server was down and restarted ubooquity, this caused it to start wiping all the comics from the database, I stopped the process half way through when I noticed what was happening.

After I got the file server back online I restarted Ubooquity and it performed a new scan, I lost my place in the comics I was mid, which sucked, but I can live with that.

However ever since then it now randomly doesn't show almost half of the comics. It finished it's scan, I confirmed by browsing the dirs in linux directly that all the comics are there but each comic is missing almost half it's issues. So it will go 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 14, etc. No noticeable pattern like odds/evens, or files with special characters, etc.

I've since rebooted it several times, it performs the scan, says it added no new files, reports no errors, just doesn't have them.

Any ideas on how to fix?

Running in headless CentOS 7 with data dir mounted from Windows Server file share over SMV in /etc/fstab although I don't think this is related to the issue, just providing as much info as possible.


255 Max Characters

rupp 5 years ago 0

There seems to be a character limit in the Tags/Genres (In the OPDS feed they are shown under content in the attribute label) you can give via ComicInfo.xml. 
When there are more than 255 characters, everything after it is cut off, leading to splitted and entirely missing tags. 

As there is technically no limit in how many characters XML attributes (and therefore OPDS feeds) can handle, I am relatively sure that this is due to the way the value is stored in the database, so I'd be glad if this value would get a bit more space.


Ubooquity 2.1.2 on synology ds418play

kuk 5 years ago updated by John Black 5 years ago 2


I face a pb running ubooquity : i do the same that explained on the help to instal ubooquity on syno if i ask for the status of ubooquity it's working process... but i can't reach the page admin (this page....) if i start ubooquity.jar in putty, it's work. but as soon a i close the windows don't working anymore...

if somebody can explain to me why it's not working... thks by advance


How To Get Search Working With Moon+ Reader?

BK Reader2 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 1

Hi everyone, I recently set up my own book server with ubooquity and it's been a really nice change of pace. I use the Kuboo app on my Android device for reading comics and I really enjoy the experience but I don't feel the same about using the app to read e-books.

I'd rather use my default reading app Moon+ Reader but I'm having a few hiccups. I've configured my library to be accessible but the app doesn't show any search function like it does with other net libraries making it a difficult to naviage with. Also covers don't show with the books although downloading locally works fine. 

Any help with this would be appreciated. 


Support for rar v5 (.cbr) compressed archives

chrisr 6 years ago updated by Spazholio 5 years ago 1


Seems winrar5 archived files are not supported, anyone can confirm this?

Thumbnails for this archives are not displayed.

20190221 08:15:06 [qtp875313400-781] WARN  com.ubooquity.f.a - Failed to read file, checking potential extension mistake (cbz/cbr) for: L:\test\testile01.cbr
20190221 08:15:06 [qtp875313400-781] INFO  com.ubooquity.f.a - File type is RAR (cbr)
20190221 08:15:06 [qtp875313400-781] INFO  com.ubooquity.f.a - No extension mistake detected.
20190221 08:15:06 [qtp875313400-781] WARN  com.ubooquity.provider.page.a - Could not extract page 0 from document L:\test\testile01.cbr (NullPointerException)


Not a bug

Pagination : "last page" doesn't work as expected

Bob ArdKor 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 4

I'm beginning to have a huge collection, and I've noticed that the "last page" doesn't actually go to the last page, but to the n+10th page. Is this intended? I'd rather have separate buttons for "next", "+10" and "last".

Thanks anyway for this awesome piece of software, it's immensely useful.

Under review

[Read EPUB] Content within double curly braces is not displayed

Chris 6 years ago updated by Tom 6 years ago 2

Browsers tested: Firefox v64.0 64bit; Chrome 71.0.3578.98 64bit;

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Read any EPUB book that contains content within double curly braces e.g. Fullstack Vue

Expected result: The content is displayed correctly.

Actual result: Neither the curly braces nor the content within are displayed.

Suspected cause: AngularJS is attempting to evaluate the content as interpolation using its own template engine.

Suggested fix:

<code ng-non-bindable>
    Code snippet containing {{curly.braces}} here
Under review

does ubooquity have to rescan all folders on startup??

David Moninger 6 years ago updated by CraftyClown 6 years ago 3

new to ubooquity....
i have a huge library on google drive... and it seems like it has to rescan all the items every time i scan the library or start/restart the server... takes days... is there a way to tell it not to scan already scanned folders?


edit- i do now see an option to uncheck 'scan library on startup'... is there then a way to scan individual libraries or folders after that's unchecked (can't really check atm want this endless scan to end/finish : )


Ubooquity Docker,UnRAID,LetsEncrypt-NGNIX, DuckDNS reverse proxy set up (very close)

iPatrickH 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 3

Image 442

After following limited guides on youtube and google'ing this issue. I almost have this working. The reverse proxy setup with LetsEncrypt on my mysubdomain.duckdns.org works for tautulli. I am able to got to https://mysubdomain.duckdns.org/tautulli and I am happy with that. If I switch the network type to br0 , as I had originally done. I get 502 Bad Gateway.

The problem is as soon as I change the network to "proxynet", port :443 is assigned to elibrary (ubooquity) which is causing a conflict with LetsEncrypt:443. and I get 502 Bad Gateway when going to  https://mysubdomain.duckdns.org/ubooquity
I can go to https://mysubdomain.duckdns.org:9999/ubooquity and get to my ubooquity site. The Juniper SRX Enterprise gateway is doing its thing with Destination NAT port forwarding. 

I just need to figure out how to assign a different virtual port preferably 2202 to this docker network create proxynet to get ubooquity to work just like tautuilli using port 8181

As far as the admin API, it totally missing unless I change the network back to br0,host. bridge. and I am too conflicted to care because I can workaround this with little annoyances. 

So if anyone has any Ideas, Fill this post up. Thanks. 

I made a config file that I copied the basics to form another proxy-conf and named it ubooquity.subfolder.conf file in \\unraid\appdata\letsencrypt\nginx\proxy-confs

# ubooquity

location /ubooquity {
    return 301 $scheme://$host/ubooquity/;
location ^~ /ubooquity/ {
    # enable the next two lines for http auth
    #auth_basic "Restricted";
    #auth_basic_user_file /config/nginx/.htpasswd;

    # enable the next two lines for ldap auth, also customize and enable ldap.conf in the default conf
    #auth_request /auth;
    #error_page 401 =200 /login;

    include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;
    resolver valid=30s;
    set $upstream_ubooquity Ubooquity;
    rewrite /ubooquity(.*) $1 break;
    proxy_pass https://$upstream_ubooquity/elibrary/;


Ignoring some numbers when sorting

James Williams 6 years ago 0

I have folders with story arcs with the file naming format (zero hour story arc)

005-Valor 023 (1994)

007-Guy Gardner Warrior 024 (1994)

032-Action Comics 703 (1994)

the first number is the reading order (this is a feature of Mylar)

however ubooquity is ignoring the first set of numbers and is sorting alphabetically and then by the issue number. So it display like this 

032-Action Comics 703 (1994)

007-Guy Gardner Warrior 024 (1994)

005-Valor 023 (1994)

Any ideas on what to do?